Posts Tagged: php

0Wordpress LogoAutomatically generate and serve avif images with wordpress

I have spent quite a lot of time optim­ising the per­form­ance of this site, and as part of ongo­ing work I mon­it­or new tech­no­lo­gies that could help improve the speed for vis­it­ors. I’ve been track­ing the adop­tion of next-gen­er­a­tion image formats for a while and with sup­port by web browsers now fairly wide­spread it was time to fig­ure out how to make use of these new formats in wordpress.
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0Wordpress LogoWordPress updates progress

I’ve had an issue for a while now where installing word­press updates does­n’t show any mes­sages or pro­gress. The updates gen­er­ally do install but it is tricky to know when the updates have fin­ished. There are a few threads online with pos­sible solu­tions but most of them haven’t been help­ful in my case.
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0Localisation of Amazon Affiliates links

I occa­sion­ally ref­er­ence products on my vari­ous web­sites, and usu­ally link them to Amazon for any­one inter­ested in buy­ing them. A long time ago I used to link with an amazon affil­i­ates link but nev­er earned any­thing from it as my typ­ic­al read­er­ship is well dis­trib­uted around the world. Unfor­tu­nately Amazon don’t provide a way to redir­ect vis­it­ors to their loc­al amazon site whilst retain­ing to affil­i­ates pay­ments. There are vari­ous solu­tions out there but all the ones I found had issues with them, so I developed my own.… Read Full Article

0Comment bubbleEasily set the parent of a WordPress comment

As is doc­u­mented in the site update log, for a while we had a prob­lem with our theme where it was­n’t pos­sible to reply to a com­ment so that the reply would appear cor­rectly in a threaded way.  We have no fixed this prob­lem, but have been left with a sig­ni­fic­ant num­ber of com­ments which really need edit­ing so it is easi­er to see what they are in reply to.  With a stand­ard word­press install this requires going into the data­base and edit­ing there, which is very tedi­ous.  Instead, we’ve used some simple func­tions to add an option to the com­ment-edit admin page, to set the com­ment par­ent there.  Even­tu­ally this will be developed into a prop­er plu­gin to enable this func­tion­al­ity.  For now the code is below, just add it to your theme’s functions.php

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0Wordpress LogoFixed: Deprecated PHP errors in wordpress dashboard

Earli­er today I updated our test site, in pre­par­a­tion for rolling updates out to the main site.  This involved updat­ing sev­er­al plu­gins and repla­cing the “BeforeTheDead­line” plu­gin with Jet­pack.  After com­plet­ing the updates I found I was get­ting sev­er­al error mes­sages on the dash­board, under the “incom­ing links” dash­board wid­get, and even more errors when I tried to empty the W3 Total Cache caches.

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