politica sulla riservatezza

Chi siamo

Please see our gen­er­al Chi Siamo

Quali sono i dati personali che raccogliamo e perché le raccogliamo

We don’t col­lect any per­son­al data. If you sub­mit a com­ment some data will be included (vedi sotto). We do not use any ana­lyt­ics ser­vices. We use google advert­ising links, google may use these embed­ded ads to col­lect some data. Se si vuole evitare questo è necessario utilizzare un adblocker.


When vis­it­ors leave com­ments on the site we col­lect the data shown in the com­ments form, e anche il visitatore del IP l'indirizzo e il browser stringa user agent per aiutare rilevamento dello spam.

If you upload images to the web­site, you should avoid upload­ing images with embed­ded loc­a­tion data (EXIF GPS) included. Vis­it­ors to the web­site can down­load and extract any loc­a­tion data from images on the website.


If you leave a com­ment on our site you may opt in to sav­ing your name, email address and web­site in cook­ies. These are for your con­veni­ence so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave anoth­er com­ment. These cook­ies will last for one year.

Con chi condividiamo i tuoi dati con


Dove siamo inviare i tuoi dati

Tutti i dati (per esempio. asso­ci­ated with com­ments) is stored on our serv­er which is loc­ated in the EU.

How long we retain your data

If you leave a com­ment, the com­ment and its metadata are retained indef­in­itely. This is so we can recog­nise and approve any fol­low-up com­ments auto­mat­ic­ally instead of hold­ing them in a mod­er­a­tion queue.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on this site, or have left com­ments, you can request to receive an expor­ted file of the per­son­al data we hold about you, includ­ing any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any per­son­al data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for admin­is­trat­ive, leg­al, or secur­ity purposes.

Qualsiasi domanda

Please entrare in contatto

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