0Aeotec doorbell 6 in HA — how to trigger the bell

I’ve had a Z‑Wave AeoTec Door­bell 6 for a while and had it linked to Home Assist­ant suc­cess­fully, but have nev­er been able to trig­ger the bell from with­in home assist­ant. Until now…

In the GUI

I’ll just straight to it. You will need to be using ZWaveJS2MQTT. Then cre­ate a cus­tom card with the fol­low­ing code…

entity: zone.home
  action: none
icon: 'mdi:bell'
name: Trigger Doorbell
show_icon: true
show_name: true
  action: call-service
  service: zwave_js.set_value
    command_class: 121
    endpoint: '1'
    property: toneId
    value: 3
    device_id: #########################
type: entity-button

You will need to find your device ID. To find mine I opened core.device_registry which is found in config\.storage (I access mine from win­dows dir­ectly by using the “samba share” add-on) and search for AeoTec.

You can check the com­mand class, end­point, prop­erty, and value by using the ZWaveJS2MQTT interface


The code for auto­ma­tions is slightly dif­fer­ent, and can actu­ally be set using the GUI!

If you want to do it in YAML then you will need the following

service: zwave_js.set_value
  command_class: '121'
  endpoint: '1'
  property: toneId
  value: 3
  device_id: #########################


I pieced this togeth­er with a lot of exper­i­ment­a­tion based on inform­a­tion from sev­er­al places…

  • https://www.home-assistant.io/lovelace/button/
  • https://community.home-assistant.io/t/aeotech-zw162-doorbell/121556/191
  • https://community.home-assistant.io/t/aeotech-zw162-doorbell/121556/197
  • https://community.home-assistant.io/t/using-a-switch-to-call-a-service/166885/5

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