0Centos 8

Centos 8 finalmente foi liberado e irá eventualmente fornecer a base para uma nova plataforma de hospedagem para nós. How­ever it isn’t quite ready as there are a few pack­ages not yet available.

The fol­low­ing are pack­ages that we use as part of our host­ing that aren’t yet avail­able. Hope­fully these will become avail­able soon. Whilst we could com­pile them ourselves, we prefer to use a pack­age man­ager as this means soft­ware can eas­ily be kept up to date.

  • nginx-mais
  • cert­bot
  • zop­fli
  • OptiPNG
  • gif­s­icle
  • lib­webp-tools
  • pngquant
  • nodejs-limpo-css
  • mysql­tuner

We could man­age without most of these tools but nginx-more is essen­tial and los­ing cert­bot and zop­fli would mean sig­ni­fic­ant recon­fig­ur­ing. Espero que o último destes para ficar pronto é nginx-mais como ele é atualizado a menos regularmente.

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