
最近,我有一个问题, 2 电脑 这似乎是相同的配置, 不过,虽然一会玩 FLV 从YouTube下载, 对方会失败. 其他一些FLV形式在两个系统上发挥OK. 经过一番深入调查,我发现的Flash Player ActiveX版上 1 PC的上涨最新的, 但另一方面不.

电脑 have fire­fox as the main browser and the fire­fox plu­gin was up-to-date on both, but it appears that an up-to-date ver­sion of the IE浏览器 act­iveX plu­gin is required for 3rd party pro­grams like Real Play­er. Updat­ing the active‑X fixed video playback

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