DIY وسائل الإعلام الرئيسية الشعار

الموقع النهائي لتصميم وإنشاء مسرح منزلي الخاص ومرحبا فاي الإعداد الخاصة.

0الرغبة HTC الروبوت الشعارسامسونج غالاكسي نيكزس رئيس ابل اي فون 4S الخامس

مع الإفراج مؤخرا من سامسونج غالاكسي نيكزس رئيس واي فون 4S أبل, أنا أعتقد أنني سأفعل مقارنة سريعة ل 2 الأجهزة. لقد تضمنت أيضا بيانات والمواصفات ل 2 الهواتف الذكية الحديثة الأخرى الراقية, the HTC Sen­sa­tion XE and the Motorola Atrix 2.

Galaxy Nex­us (GSM Region)فون 4SHTC الإحساس XEMotorola Atrix 2
نعم Free Cost£519.99£581.76£429.95£299.99
Cost with contract£59.00£169.00حرحر
Resale valueن / أن / أن / أن / أ
New bat­tery cost£19.99£62.44
Bluetooth MP3sنعم فعلالا!نعم فعلانعم فعلا
Altern­at­ive OSesنعم فعلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
Copy files without softwareنعم فعلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
Replace­able batteryنعم فعلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
Non-Mar­ket Appsنعم فعلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
SD Card Supportلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
قياسي نعم Cardsنعم فعلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
Cost of games£1.22£2.07£1.22£1.22
Sat Navحرلاحرحر
Roll-back to older versionsنعم فعلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
Known flaws (unfixed)Volume issue (fixed — Android 4.0.1 OTA)IOS5 bat­tery life issueن / أن / أ
Major updatesGuar­an­teed full updates for 18 months min­im­um, his­tory implies premi­um devices get at least 2 major updates fea­ture com­plete, with the option for longer term updates via 3بحث وتطوير party releases.Likely to get sev­er­al gen­er­a­tions of updates but with almost all new fea­tures miss­ing. Once offi­cial sup­port is gone there are very few options due to lack of OSS community.ن / أن / أ
Weight125ز (150ز CDMA)140ز151ز147ز
Thick­ness8.9mm (9.5mm CDMA)9.3mm11.3mm10mm
Screen Res­ol­u­tion720× 1280640×960540×960540×960
حجم الشاشة4.65"3.5"4.3"4.3"
Screen pixel density316ppi330ppi256ppi256ppi
التخزين16جيجابايت (32Gb available)16جيجابايت (32Gb and 64Gb available)4جيجابايت8جيجابايت
Memory (ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي)1جيجابايت512ميغابايت768ميغابايت1جيجابايت
وحدة المعالجة المركزية1.2GHz Cor­tex-A9~800MHz Cor­tex-A91.5GHz MSM82601.0GHz Cor­tex-A9
GPUPower­VR SGX540Power­VR SGX543MP2الكظر 220Power­VR SGX540
Standby Time270h (150h CDMA)200h310h382h
Talk Time17h (12h CDMA)14h9h9h
Stream­ing MediaDLNAAir­Play (pro­pri­et­ary)DLNADLNA
Max data speed21MBps14.4MBps14.4MBps21MBps
اللاسلكيةA B G NB G N33
NFCنعم فعلالالالا
ا-GPSنعم فعلانعم فعلانعم فعلاYe
Video chat3G, 4G, WiFiWiFi3G, 4G, WiFi3G, 4G, WiFi
Front Cam­era1.3Mpx0.3Mpx0.3Mpx0.3Mpx
Video Record­ing1080p301080p301080p301080p24
Shut­ter lag00.1
HDR الصورApp £1.24IncludedApp £1.24App £1.24
جافانعم فعلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
فلاشنعم فعلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
Voice Func­tionsYes — Google Voice / MajelYes — Siriنعم فعلانعم فعلا
FM Radioلالانعم فعلانعم فعلا
Video Out­putMHL (HDMI adaptor £8)Pro­pri­et­ary (HDMI adaptor £30)MHLHDMI
SAR0.30 W/kg (0.63 W/kg CDMA)0.99 W/kg

Final Score: Galaxy Nex­us 33 - 4 Iphone 4S. 9 draws.

Some of the con­tests were really too close to mat­ter in which case I’ve scored a draw (e.g. pixel dens­ity). The spec com­par­is­ons are largely mean­ing­less of course as it’s the respons­ive­ness of the phone that mat­ters, not the clock speed of its وحدة المعالجة المركزيةHow­ever it’s not easy to quanti­fy “respons­ive­ness”, and any con­clu­sion is bound to be called biased by fan­boi, so I’ve included the specs. The Galaxy won stand­ard نعم card sup­port because the Iphone only sup­ports mini sim cards, and altho a nor­mal sim card can be cut to fit most users will shy away from doing this (and it pre­vents you put­ting the نعم back into a nor­mal phone).  ال HDR pho­tos was a draw because although the Iphone includes it, apps for android can do the job for a neg­li­gible impact on the over­all cost com­par­is­on. Voice sup­port was a draw for 3 REAS فيرفكس: 1 — although I con­cede Siri is a bit slick­er than cur­rent Android offer­ings, voice sup­port isn’t actu­ally very widely used, 2 — android will very soon have a super­i­or equi­val­ent to Siri which ties all the exist­ing google voice func­tions togeth­er with google’s huge wealth of mined data, و 3 — voice sup­port before Siri was always super­i­or on android but no-one ever bothered to give any cred­it for it then and I don’t believe fea­tures should only be giv­en cred­it after Apple have included them. Obvi­ously some things are more import­ant than oth­ers, but over­all, it isn’t dif­fi­cult to con­clude that the Galaxy is tech­nic­ally super­i­or, is likely to receive bet­ter sup­port, has longer bat­tery life, has a much lower SAR, and is a bit cheap­er. Unless your house is already full of Apple-only hard­ware the Galaxy Nex­us is going to “talk” to more of your exist­ing hard­ware without fuss too (e.g. Video Calls to Win­dows أجهزة الكمبيوتر, Cheap­er Video out­put to your HD تلفزيون, join­ing Wireless‑A net­works, Send­ing files from your old phone via Bluetooth, or stream­ing media via DLNA).  The Iphone takes bet­ter qual­ity pho­tos, is a bet­ter (if more costly) plat­form for gam­ing, and will sat­is­fy those people who people who need to have “the” most fash­ion­able item — for everything else the Galaxy Nex­us is the com­pre­hens­ive winner.

Updated 17-Dec-2011.

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