منشورات متعلقة: EEEPC

0سامسونج غالاكسي S3Samsung Galaxy S3 "v" Asus eeePC 901

هناك الكثير من الاستعراضات هناك مقارنة أحدث الهواتف, أحدث التبويب يتيح وأحدث كتب مذكرة, ولكن عدد قليل جدا من أي وقت مضى شيئا أكثر من مرجع 18 months old. Most people don’t upgrade their kit any­where near that fre­quently which makes the com­par­is­ons rather use­less. In the 4–5 year time­frame which is a more typ­ic­al upgrade cycle for most people there have been huge changes to the com­put­ing power available.

اقرأ المقال كاملاً

0داخل الأقراص الصلبة شعارUpgrading the SSD in an eeePC 901

I’ve recently been asked to upgrade the SSD drive in an Asus eeePC 901. Rather than write about it in detail here I’ll just say that the oper­a­tion was pain­less and a great suc­cess, mostly thanks to the excel­lent guide provided at Bit­Tech

I replaced the default 4gig SSD (leav­ing the 16gig one intact) with a sim­il­ar speed 16gig drive which cost £43 from ebay