0التغيير والتبديل في إعدادات tasmota smartplug

أنا الآن في الجوار 30 المقابس الذكية القائمة على tasmota حول المنزل. لقد عملت مؤخرًا على تعديل الإعدادات في عدد قليل لتحسين الأدوار التي يشغلونها

The first thing I wanted to do was to tweak the energy mon­it­or­ing plugs I have (from Loc­al­Bytes) so they report energy use more pre­cisely. Whilst it is pos­sible to adjust how often they report, a smarter way to do this is to adjust what level of power change will trig­ger an update. يوجد 2 ways to do this — either as a per­cent­age or as an abso­lute. Go to the com­mand line and enter one of the fol­low­ing (chan­ging the 10 part to whatever value you require)

Power­Delta 10 = Update MQTT on 10% تغيير
Power­Delta 110 = Update MQTT on 10W change

The next thing I wanted to tweak was the sleep time as most of my plugs can sleep more than the default. The default is a smartsleep mode which works well and for devices where I often press the but­ton I have left the default. But for devices where I don’t press the but­ton I increased the value with the following

ينام 250

Note it is not advised to change this for plugs you do press — the default value of 50 works well for these. Fur­ther it is not advised to change this for energy mon­it­or­ing plugs

To see the cur­rent value simply type the com­mand without a num­ber after it.

I tend to use Power­Delta 104 and Sleep 50 for power mon­it­or­ing devices, ينام 50 for devices where I press the but­ton reg­u­larly, and Sleep 250 for oth­er plugs

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