لقد كان لي مشكلة لبعض الوقت الآن حيث تثبيت تحديثات ورد لا تظهر أية رسائل أو التقدم. التحديثات تفعل عادة تثبيت ولكنها صعبة لمعرفة متى الانتهاء من التحديثات. وهناك عدد قليل من المواضيع على الانترنت مع الحلول الممكنة ولكن معظمها لم تكن مفيدة في حالتي.
تحديث: See solution at the bottom of this post
When updating plugins the following progress messages should be displayed. In my case they are not showing up.
The update process is starting. This process may take awhile on some hosts, لذا يرجى التحلي بالصبر.
Enabling Maintenance mode…
Updating Plugin plugin-name
Downloading update from plugins.
Unpacking the update…
تثبيت أحدث إصدار.
Removing the old version of the plugin…
Plugin upgraded successfully.
Akismet updated successfully. إظهار / إخفاء التفاصيل.
Disabling Maintenance mode. تم الانتهاء من جميع التحديثات.
أجراءات: Return to Plugins page | Return to WordPress Updates.
This applies to all other updates too, والتي يوجد على قائمة كاملة على wordpress موقع
Probably the most common cause is بي أتش بي zlib compression as described by kungfujosh on the wordpress forums. Sadly I already have zlib compression set to off so that isn’t my issue.
The issue must be a setting in wordpress, فب-التيار الوطني الحر, or nginx somewhere but I have been unable to locate it so far.
تحديث: I have ruled out causes in php.ini and the php-fpm config file using a full test VM. There appear to be multiple nginx settings interacting that are causing the issue for me.
The first settings that seem to be relevant are the use of gzip and brotli being turned on. This seems to prevent the page loading progressively. It should be easy enough to turn these off for the updates page using a little custom function in wordpress that sets the content-encoding such that nginx wont compress the files
/******************************************\ * غزيب تعطيل وbrotli لصفحة التحديثات * \******************************************/ وظيفة disable_gzip_brotli() { رأس("المحتوى ترميز: هوية'); } إذا ( basename($_الخادم["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], '.بي أتش بي') == "تحديث النواة" ) { ADD_ACTION( 'فيه', "disable_gzip_brotli" ); }
Unfortunately this on it’s own hasn’t proven the solution to my updating issues as something else causes the page to never display any output, progressive or otherwise. There is another nginx setting that is needed.
After much searching I finally identified the issue in my headers that are set.
تغيير بسيط من add_header X-Frame-Options DENY always;
إلى add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN always;
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”