আমার বর্তমান HTPC has an nVidia GeForce GTX 1050Ti 4Gb with which I am able to upscale all content to 1080p with fairly high quality settings, এবং আমিও (ঠিক) able to playback 8k 60fps content downscaled to 1080p. কিন্তু, I have long wondered what the benefits of a more powerful card might be on the ability to use higher settings. দুঃখজনকভাবে, no-one seems to provide any benchmarks for madvr, সুতরাং কিভাবে কার্ড তুলনা করা যেতে পারে?
After much searching, it seems that the strongest indicator of madvr performance is the shader performance of a card. This is effectively measured in FLOPS. There are some limitations to this as a doubling of shader performance doesn’t necesarily mean a halving of render time so the relationship isn’t necesarily linear, but once other factors (উদাঃ. memory quantity and speed) সমান, the shader performance will be a good guide to the performance of a card.
It is highly recommended to get a GPU- with at least 4Gb of VRAM for madvr. Assuming a new card is being obtained, মেমরিটি কমপক্ষে জিডিডিআর 5 হতে পারে, এবং ভাল GDDR6 হতে পারে. In these circumstances the shader performance is a useful guide.
I also used a few specific pieces of information to compare different benchmarks to see which type appeared to be the best fit. আমি যে তথ্য সংগ্রহ করেছি তা হ'ল এটি আমার 1050তি র্যাডিয়ন আরএক্সের চেয়ে দ্রুত 570 in madvr which is not reflected in lots of GPU- compute benchmarks which suggests these are not a good type of benchmark to use.
Another direct comparison suggests that the 1060Ti is faster in madvr than the RX580 so this should also be reflected in any benchmarks used, যা তাদের বেশিরভাগেরই রায় দেয়! In the same thread there is a suggestion that the Radeon RX 5700 XT is similar in performance to a GeForce RTX 2070 Super
Some other facts from the doom9 forums
- এএমডি আরএক্স ৪৮০ জিটিএক্স ৯70০ এর চেয়ে কিছুটা দ্রুত
- জিটিএক্স 1070 প্রায় রয়েছে 30% আরএক্স ৪৪০ এর চেয়ে দ্রুত
As I wasn’t able to find any benchmark that matched these data points, instead I’ve started by looking at all the cards available in the £100 — £200 bracket which are…
- GTX 1660 £ 195
- আরএক্স 590 £ 190
- আরএক্স 5500 এক্সটি £ 160
- GTX 1650 সুপার £ 150
- আরএক্স 580 £ 145
- জিটিএক্স 1050Ti £ 130
Is there a surprising winner, or does the price predict the performance?
The info I can find suggests that the GTX 1650 (সুপার না) হয় কাছাকাছি 25% দ্রুত than the GTX 1050Ti in madvr, এবং 1650 সুপার আবার দ্রুত (more cuda cores and a higher clock speed). এটি RX5700 XT হ'ল একটু তাড়াতাড়ি জিটিএক্সের চেয়ে বেশি 1080 এবং এটি আরএক্স ৫7০০ (এক্সটি নয়) is similar to a GTX 1070.
After lots of searching to compare these cards I found a very useful post on reddit which ranks the nVidia cards approximately. These rankings (unsurprisingly) do follow the price of the nVidia cards.
- GTX 1050 / 1050 ti
- GTX 1650
- GTX 1650 Super
- GTX 1060
- GTX 1070/1660 / 1660 সুপার / 1660 ti
- GTX 1080 / RX 2060
- জিটিএক্স 1080 টিআই / RTX 2070
The better cards (towards the bottom) tend to be beyond the price range. আমি একটি জিটিএক্স দেখতে পাচ্ছি 1070 ইবেতে প্রায় 230 ডলার যা নতুন জিটিএক্সের চেয়ে বেশি 1660 সুতরাং দ্বিতীয় হাত বিকল্প সাহায্য করতে প্রদর্শিত হবে না. ইবেতে প্রায় 170 ডলারে 6 জিবি জিটিএক্স 1060 এরও রয়েছে (3জিবি পর্যাপ্ত নয়, 4Gb is a minimum really so be careful with these) — but are they really £20 better than a new GTX 1650 Super?
It sounds like the AMD Polaris generation cards weren’t good performers in madvr. This has apparently changed with Navi, however there have been driver issues with Navi so most people still recommend nVidia cards for madvr. On top of this it is rumoured that future versions of madvr may make use of the nVidia turing architecture, but these rumours are at least a year old with nothing to show so far. If they ever come true it may be that AMD’s “ray-tracing” compatible cards may be just as well suited too.
I have a suspicion that the RX 5500 জিটিএক্স অফার করতে পারে তাই এক্সটি একটি ভাল মানের চুক্তি হতে পারে 1660 like performance in madvr, কম 35 ডলার জন্য, but I can’t find concrete evidence or a direct comparison.
Thanks for the precious information
Doesn’t the 1070 আছে 6+ tflops whereas the 1660 has only 5 tflops? Wouldn’t this make the 1070 better for madvr, especially when the 1070 comes with 8gb of memory?
Possibly so, altho my guess is that the difference isn’t big enough to enable any additional settings in madvr so may be irrelevant. The tflops score doesn’t appear to perfectly predict madvr performance. The only way to know for sure would be to test both but I haven’t found anywhere doing direct comparisons of cards in madvr.