كنت أحاول مؤخرا ترقية ويندوز 7 PC إلى Windows 10 ولكن بعد عدة يعيد تشغيل ويندوز 10 تركيب وفشل مع وجود خطأ "فشل التثبيت في المرحلة SAFE_OS مع وجود خطأ أثناء عملية REPLACE_OC" مع 0x8007001f كود - 0 × 20006.
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منشورات متعلقة: خطأ
أداة ممتازة لإصلاح طابعات إبسون
I had a problem with an old Epson Stylus Photo R200 printer. Despite being loaded with paper and fresh genuine ink cartridges, the unit refused to print. The 2 red warning lights on top were flashing alternately. After considerable googling I discovered that this error code is related to the ink cartridge cleaning well. Apparently it gets full of ink after a certain number of head cleaning cycles. As usual with cheap inkjet printers, ويستند هذا التحذير على عداد, not on the actual fullness of the cleaning well, and the error can be bypassed by resetting the counter in the printer. The good news is there is أداة which will do just that. Although it doesn’t list support, أستطيع أن أؤكد أن الأداة لا تعمل بشكل جيد على ويندوز 7 إلى x64, so I believe it should work on every version of windows since Windows 95!
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”