DIY মিডিয়া হোম লোগো

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Posts Tagged: overlay

0Google Earth Logoগুগল আর্থ: How to fix poor quality overlays

I’ve recently had some prob­lems with dis­play­ing large over­lays (gen­er­ated from NASA SRTM উপাত্ত) মধ্যে গুগল আর্থ. Although the over­lay data I expor­ted was very detailed google earth was dis­play­ing a blurry mess which was imprac­tic­al for my inten­ded pur­pose. Search­ing around on the ‘net did­n’t reveal any­thing use­ful so as a last resort I tried switch­ing from “Dir­ect X” to “Open GL” mode (under tools: অপশন).
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