Berichten Getagged: sleep

4Sleep and WOL with Intel 82567LM‑3

I have a couple of old USFF Dell Opti­plex 760 PCs that have a built-in Intel 82567LM‑3 gig­abit eth­er­net con­nec­tion. Get­ting this adapter to work with both Sleep (S3 Sus­pend to RAM) and WOL (Wake on LAN) has proven very tricky. The PC ori­gin­ally came with Win­dows Vista and as a busi­ness class PC you’d expect these 2 fea­tures to work but it has always been a battle to get them working.
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1Fixed: Media Center PC wakes in wrong resolution

Since I upgraded my HTPC to an AMD A5400 series (from the old E350) I have had a prob­lem where on wake from sleep the res­ol­u­tion would be set wrong (1024×768 I think) instead of the full 1920×1080 that the TV sup­ports. Exit­ing media cen­ter would trig­ger a res­ol­u­tion cor­rec­tion and then media cen­ter could be reloaded without issue. This was not sat­is­fact­ory as a solution.
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