Posts Categorised: Web-Technologien

1Internet Explorer 9 LogoInternet Explorer 9 - Besser als von vielen erwartet?

Nur ein kurzer Beitrag, es scheint, dass Microsoft endlich einen reas-on-Web-Browser in der Lage, oder zumindest die Leute bei Tom’s Hard­ware seem to think so.  Ich bin immer noch aussehen-ten nach vorne zu Feuer-Fuchs 4, and hop­ing Moz­illa will deliv­er a 64bit ver­sion as prom­ised, aber ein bisschen com-pet-i-ten aus der (noch) dom­in­ant play­er in the browser mar­ket can­’t be a bad thing.

1Mozilla Minenfeld x64Der Fall für x64-Browser?

I’ve recently been using Fire­fox 4 64bit pre­b­eta, also known as Mine­field. I thought it would be inter­est­ing to com­pare vari­ous browsers to see if this sup­ports my feel­ing that Mine­field is the fast­est browser I’ve used. The con­clu­sions are quite inter­est­ing. I will con­tin­ue to update this table as new ver­sions are released
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0Wecker LogoPHP / JavaScript einen PC zu wecken Ferne

ich habe ein HTPC and a net­work serv­er on my net­work. My serv­er is always on, aber die HTPC sleeps when it is not in use. If I want to sched­ule record­ings remotely I need a way to wake the HTPCThe solu­tion I came up with is to provide a webpage on my serv­er (pass­word pro­tec­ted) dass wacht der HTPC and then redir­ects to the web inter­face of the remote con­trol app of the HTPCBelow is the code for any­one interested…
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0Dell 3130cn Logoein Drucksymbol Hinzufügen von einzelnen Blog-Posts drucken

Neben diesem Blog habe ich auch einen Blog über Rezepte.  Ich entschied, dass ich für jeden Beitrag ein Drucksymbol auf der Hauptseite haben wollte, damit die Leute die Rezepte ausdrucken können. Googeln lieferte verschiedene Vorschläge, nichts davon hat funktioniert. Jedoch, Irgendwann habe ich folgendes zusammengeschustert, das scheint zu funktionieren ...
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0Microsoft Office Outlook LogoAussichten 2007 Korruption in einigen versendeten E-Mail zu erzeugen

I recently encountered a very strange prob­lem in out­look 2007. E‑mails sent to large num­bers of recip­i­ents (ca. 30) were suf­fer­ing from some cor­rup­tion where a large part of the head­er was appear­ing in the con­tent of the e‑mail. The appeared as a long string of ran­dom char­ac­ters fol­lowed by some text (zB „Sosha1_v1;7” and “x‑cr-puzzleid”) that sug­ges­ted the garbled text was part of the out­look anti-spam “post­mark” fea­ture. The e‑mail mes­sage appeared as nor­mal below this cor­rupt text. Anoth­er symp­tom of the prob­lem was e‑mail fail­ing to send prop­erly the first time send/receive was clicked.
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0DFÜ-LogoWindows- 7 DFÜ-Verbindung autodial

Over the xmas hol­i­days I was asked to look at a few issues with a fam­ily PC. One of the prob­lems was a minor annoy­ance related to the modem-based DSL inter­net con­nec­tion. The dial up box has a tick box which says “con­nect auto­mat­ic­ally”. Obwohl dieses Feld angekreuzt, when the PC was restar­ted when a con­nec­tion was required the same dia­log box would show up, mit der Option unticked.
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