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63Wordpress LogoBeheben von Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool Fehler

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0Wordpress LogoFest: Kommentare Bereich verschwinden in Mystique Thema

I recently had a prob­lem where the entire com­ments area was miss­ing from all the posts on this blog. When I switched back to the default twentyten theme they reappeared and at first I thought it was a prob­lem with the mys­tique theme. I switched back to mys­tique and dis­abled all of my plu­gins and the com­ments came backA simple pro­cess of elim­in­a­tion iden­ti­fied the cul­prit — The WP DIESE Funkrufempfänger Plu­gin. This plu­gin isn’t really neces­sary with the mys­tique theme, so I have simply removed it. If you encounter the same prob­lem with mys­tique, check you haven’t got this plu­gin enabled.