0Fenster reparieren 10 Schlafen Sie auf älteren PCs mit Intel ME

I have an old Dell Opti­plex 760 SFF which qual­i­fied for the free upgrade to Win­dows 10. Everything has worked well except sleep mode — the PC just does­n’t want to go to sleep any more. The most likely can­did­ate is appar­ently issues with the Intel Man­age­ment Engine drivers, which are not sup­por­ted by Intel and are not offi­cially avail­able for Win­dows 10. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie sie beheben können

Ich hatte 2 Geräte, die ich aktualisieren musste. Eines war ein unbekanntes Gerät, the oth­er is lis­ted as the Intel Man­age­ment Engine under sys­tem devices, and had driver ver­sion 1.0, sup­plied by Microsoft.

I updated the unknown device using HP drivers down­load­able as part of the file SP45367. Führen Sie diese Datei aus, and choose not to delete the extrac­ted files after install­a­tion. Die Installation schlägt fehl. Use device man­age to manu­ally update by point­ing to C:\SWSetup sp45367 SOLinf mesrle

An almost identic­al pro­ced­ure was required for the known device, but this time using a down­load from Dell

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