0Wordpress LogoWordpress visueller Editor nicht funktioniert

Ich habe ein Problem, für ein wenig hatte, während wo die Wordpress-visuelle Schaltfläche Editor funktioniert nicht. Der Code-Editor war in Ordnung, und die Taste für den visuellen Editor ist vorhanden, aber Klick auf sie hat keine Auswirkung. Nach viel Hantieren schließlich entdeckte ich es von meinem Content Security-Politik gebrochen wurde!

One reas­on this was so dif­fi­cult to dia­gnose is because I haven’t seen any­one else sug­gest CSP as the source of the prob­lem, espe­cially since I am using the “clas­sic edit­or” plu­gin which most people seem to blame. The plu­gin, or word­press itself, may be partly to blame as my CSP isn’t unreas­on­able, but clearly I needed to per­mit some­thing else.

When I finally star­ted dig­ging through the con­sole I found the fol­low­ing error (in Fire­fox): The page’s set­tings observed the load­ing of a resource at eval (“script-src”)

The Chrome con­sole was much more help­ful: “Refused to eval­u­ate a string as JavaS­cript because ‘unsafe-eval’ is not an allowed source of script in the fol­low­ing Con­tent Secur­ity Policy directive”

So to get this work­ing I will have to enable “unsafe-eval” which is annoy­ing because this makes a con­tent secur­ity policy largely pointless.

As more and more people imple­ment CSP this will become more of an issue for the word­press and plu­gin devs to resolve to hope­fully in the longer term solu­tions will become avail­able. Until then I will see if there is a work­around by remov­ing inline and eval code.

The best inform­a­tion and guide I have found so far is at Col­or Blind Programming

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