0PSU LogoEfficiente PSU Aggiornamenti: Aggiornamento HuntKey Jumper

I spot­ted a much cheap­er 80+ oro PSU in the ebuy­er xmas sales, e ha deciso di guardare in alto alcune recensioni. Ho trovato un recensione su Anandtech which I must have some­how missed in the past. In light of this dis­cov­ery, Ho aggiornato i miei articoli precedenti su PSU effi­ciency to include the HuntKey Jump­er 300G (aka R90).  Il prezzo di questo PSU cambia le conclusioni 2 della 4 scen­ari­os I’ve pre­vi­ously detailed, e ho infatti ordinato uno al prezzo scontato di 20 €, for use in my cur­rent serv­erAfter tak­ing into account that my cur­rent serv­er PSU (un Enermax NoiseTaker 475 a partire dal 2004) è approssimativamente 80% efficiente piuttosto che il 70% caso peggiore Io uso negli articoli, Spero di risparmio netto di circa 20 sterline all'anno.

Anoth­er bene­fit of the HuntKey will be the inclu­sion of more SATA con­nect­ors than the Ener­max (4 a 2) as I cur­rently have to use a lot of split­ters to power all the HDDs. The HuntKey Jump­er also provides a high­er pro­por­tion of its power through the 12V out­puts which is more suit­able for a mod­ern PC, e infine, the HuntKey offers much more vent­il­a­tion than the old Ener­max. Over­all I think a pay­back time of around 1 year is very reas­on­able. For the updated effi­ciency art­icles see below.

  • [int­link id=“76” type=“post”]Parte 1 — Low power PC[/intlink]
  • [int­link id=“77” type=“post”]Parte 2 — Typ­ic­al desktop/games PC[/intlink]
  • [int­link id=“1351” type=“post”]Parte 3 — Medi­um power server[/intlink]
  • [int­link id=“1379” type=“post”]Parte 4 — High Power games PC[/intlink]

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