What is DIY Media Home?
DIY Media Home is a collaboration between several people, with a primary focus on Home Theatre, HiFi and Home Entertainment technology. It has grown out of the remains of “Jon’s Guides” and “[intlink id=“910” type=“page”]The Bluetooth Guide[/intlink]” which were originally launched in 2002. The articles and information from those sites, along with various other musings about technology have been pulled together under one umbrella with a new focus on Home Media. Although the main focus of the site is Home Media, there is also coverage of mobile technology, general PC support, articles related to web-technologies, and of course, the original [intlink id=“910” type=“page”]Bluetooth Guide[/intlink].
Who are the people?
The site was designed and created by Jon Scaife. As the site expands it is likely that there will be opportunity for other authors to contribute. If you are interested in contributing or guest publishing please get in touch (see below)
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We welcome guest posts — pleaseget in touch and let us know what you have in mind.
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This site is supported financially by google adsense, amazon affiliates and viglink affiliate advertising. Adsense adverts are in shown on each page and in the sidebar. Amazon and viglink links are shown in green text. We selected these advertising platforms are they provide relevant ads and because we believe they are relatively unobtrusive. Amazon links are also used to provide further information and reviews of products. Please disable your adblocker on our site — to read more about why please read Why Ad Blocking is devastating to the sites you love. If you use an adblocker you will be nagged about it!
If you would like to help support our continued existence please use the paypal donate option below. Donations will be used first and foremost to pay our VPS, DNS, CDN and domain names. Anything above and beyond this will be used to source products to review or for a beer for the writers! Thank you for your support.
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We politely request that you don’t “hotlink” to any files hosted here. Afterall — we have to fund the hosting, and people who use hotlinks wont ever click on the ads or make the donations that help keep us operational. We operate hotlink detection code which notifies the visitor that they have used a hotlink.
Site Updates
Since we track all changes and tweaks made to the site anyway, we decided to make this a public [intlink id=“2807” type=“page”]site updates log[/intlink] so that people can see when we’ve fixed site errors. For most people this is probably of little interest, but if you want to know how we fixed a particular bug this is the place to look — it might be relevant to your own site.
Recommended Sites
Rather than having a “blog roll” displayed on every page we have a dedicated page for [intlink id=“2987” type=“page”]sites that we recommend[/intlink]. Rest assured — none of these sites are sponsored links — they’re there because we visit them regularly.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”