0FFmpeg LogoMedia center basic codec tweaks

Fol­low­ing on from my [int­link id=“49” type=“post”]previous post list­ing details of the addins and apps[/intlink] that I use with my media cen­ter PC here are the details of the basic set of codec tweaks I use to enable max­im­um file com­pat­ib­lity with DXVA sup­port enabled…

Dis­able (by renam­ing) the Media Found­a­tion Dir­ect Show wrap­per (mfds.dll) in system32. First must take own­er­ship and then change permissions

Copy MPCVideoDec.ax to system32
in elev­ated com­mand prompt run regsvr32 MPCVideoDec.ax
run regedit
take own­er­ship and change per­mis­sions to give admin full con­trol of…

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Decoder]

Run fix-all-codecs to cor­rect codec settings

[bash]Windows Registry Edit­or Ver­sion 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Decoder]

Run (elev­ated) Graph­Stu­dio (x64 version)
Change the fol­low­ing merits
Enhanced Video Ren­der­er to 0×00800002
MPC Video Decoder to 0×40000001
Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder to 0×00800001
Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder to 0×00800001
ffd­show Audio Decoder to 0xFF800002
ffd­show Video Decoder to 0×00400000

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