Posts Categorised: Misc Mobile

0HTC Desire Android LogoSamsung Galaxy Nexus Prime v Apple Iphone 4S

With the recent release of the Sam­sung Galaxy Nex­us Prime and the Apple Iphone 4S, I thought I’d do a quick com­par­is­on of the 2 devices. I’ve also included data and specs for 2 oth­er high-end recent smart­phones, the HTC Sen­sa­tion XE and the Motorola Atrix 2.

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3Apple logoIphone 4S: Just a disappointing catch-up

So, I see that Apple have released the latest iter­a­tion of their “amaz­ing” iphone. Each time a new iproduct gets released I find myself yelling at TV, Radio ads, and oth­er ignor­ant people who don’t seem to real­ise that their is noth­ing spe­cial about Apple products. This time I’m going to share a few thoughts pub­licly instead. I’ve just watched the offi­cial release video over on the Apple web­site. So, with that as the basis, here are my thoughts on the “new” fea­tures in the iphone 4S…
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4LG Viewty KU990i LogoPC Suite for LG Viewty Lite KU990i

One of my fam­ily owns an LG Viewty Lite KU990i (note: the ori­gin­al Viewty is a KU990 which includes a stylus that the Lite ‘i’ ver­sion lacks) and asked for my assist­ance in con­nect­ing it to their PC. The prob­lem is that LG seem to sup­port the KU990, but not the KU990i. The phone was not sup­plied with any soft­ware or cable, but my fam­ily mem­ber had obtained a cable in the expect­a­tion of down­load­ing the soft­ware from LG. Appar­ently this is too much to ask. The KU990 was appar­ently provided with LG PC Suite ver­sion 2, and I found vari­ous posts around the net stat­ing that LG had said that ver­sion 2 would also work with the 990i, how­ever, des­pite obtain­ing a copy of LG PC Suite 2 I was unable to com­mu­nic­ate with the phone suc­cess­fully. Even­tu­ally I was led to try LG PC Suite 3, and with some fid­dling was even­tu­ally able to get com­mu­nic­a­tion working.
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0Nokia 6101 logoGetting a Nokia 6101 working via CA-42 cable with PC Suite

I’ve had some real issues con­nect­ing an old Nokia 6101 to a laptop via a genu­ine Nokia CA-42 cable. Des­pite repeated attempts to get help from Nokia the prob­lem remained unre­solved until recently. The pro­ced­ure which appears to have resolved the issue is as follows

  1. Remove the nokia cable driver sup­plied with PC Suite. This can be achieved by down­load­ing the installer for the cable driver, run­ning it, and choos­ing to remove. This leaves PC Suite intact. but removes the driver for the CA-42 cable which did­n’t seem to work.
  2. Down­load and extract the altern­at­ive cable driver, avail­able on the [int­link id=“741” type=“page”]downloads page[/intlink]
  3. Plug in the cable and when win­dows detects it and prompts for a driver, point it to the extrac­ted altern­at­ive driver