0Serial Key LogoRetrieving serials from Windows

I am fre­quently giv­en PCs to repair that require a rein­stall of win­dows. These often don’t come with a full list of seri­al num­bers for the soft­ware installed on them. To avoid the hassle of ask­ing the own­er to dig the seri­als out, it is easi­er to simply pull the seri­als from the old install before wip­ing.A par­tic­u­larly use­ful tool for this pur­pose is ProduKey which is avail­able via our [int­link id=“741” type=“page”]downloads page[/intlink].  This sup­ports up to and includ­ing Win­dows 7 and Office 2010. It is avail­able for both 32bit and Win­dows x64

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