0HTC Desire Android LogoSense 3.5 on HTC Desire

I’ve pre­vi­ously writ­ten about using[int­link id=“1841” type=“post”]an altern­at­ive ROM on my HTC Desire[/intlink] thanks to AceSMod007, but things have moved on a fair bit since then. I’ve finally got round to updat­ing my Desire again, and decided I’d go with anoth­er “007 Mod”, spe­cific­ally RunnymedeMod007 which fea­tures Sense 3.5. I’ve actu­ally been run­ning release 7 for a few weeks, but it has been a mixed exper­i­ence. Hav­ing updated to release 21 a couple of days ago I’m now much hap­pi­er. If you have a Desire and want the latest eye candy without com­prom­ising on per­form­ance I highly recom­mend giv­ing it a try. Happy modding.

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