Grazie a una guida su sono riuscito a far funzionare i sottotitoli con la decodifica con accelerazione hardware in Windows Media Center 7 x64.
Affinché questa guida semplificata funzioni devi già essere a tuo agio con i vari tweak necessari per modificare i codec predefiniti utilizzati in Media Center. Una volta che sai come modificare i codec (e cambiare i loro meriti) puoi semplicemente seguire questi passaggi...
1. Download and install ffdshow tryouts build 3305 or newer. (install the x64 version if you use Windows 7 x64)
2. Run “DXVA Video decoder configuration x64”, select the “hardware acceleration” option on the left and change the post-processing pull-down to “surface overlay”
3. Select the “subtitles” option on the left, tick the box next to the word subtitles, and tick “accept embedded subtitles”
4. Tweak the font settings if you like
5. Run regedit and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectShow\Preferred
6. Replace the data (NOT THE NAMES) in {e06d8026-db46-11cf-b4d1-00805f6cbbea} e {31435641-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} con {0B0EFF97-C750-462C-9488-B10E7D87F1A6}
7. Restart
Appunto: The merit for the DXVA decoder must be higher than the merit for the non-DXVA decoder
This is working fantastically for me. Any questions, post them below.
Thanks again to Jon on
Great stuff! Il mio CPU usage dropped from around 85% a 35%. When using Microsoft’s built in codecs it was around 5% — but then without subtitles. molte grazie!