Posts Tagged: android

0Android Market Google PlayUpdated list of favourite HTC Desire Apps

Hav­ing recently had my HTC Desire replaced due to a fault, I’ve had to rein­stall the entire device. I took this as an oppor­tun­ity for a bit of a clear out, and have updated my pre­vi­ous [int­link id=“57” type=“post”]list of favour­ite apps[/intlink] accordingly.
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0Android Market Google PlayFavourite apps for the HTC Desire

I’ve had an HTC Desire for a couple of months now, which has giv­en me plenty of time to explore the range of apps avail­able. Below is a list of the ones I’ve found myself using the most fre­quently (exclud­ing the built-in ones)...
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0Tinkerbell Fairy Wish List LogoTechnology Wish List

One of the best things about the Inter­net is that one can find almost any­thing. Sadly, there are some things that can­’t be found (at the time of writ­ing). Below is my per­son­al list that I’m hop­ing to even­tu­ally find…
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