Posts Tagged: Emby

0Constant Kodi Irritations

A few years back I migrated from Win­dows Media Centre to Kodi (thanks to Microsoft for end­ing sup­port and devel­op­ment of MC). Kodi is widely used and very ver­sat­ile, how­ever it has nev­er worked quite flaw­lessly and I con­tin­ue to come across a range of annoy­ing issues. Where I have found a solu­tion I will doc­u­ment it below
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0Problem with playback in Emby for Kodi

A couple of weeks ago I had a sud­den prob­lem play­ing loc­al media in Kodi via the Emby plu­gin. I fixed it tem­por­ar­ily by rolling back to an older ver­sion of the plu­gin 2.3.57. There were briefly issues with a new­er build of the plu­gin but these have now been resolved in ver­sion 2.3.61, at least accord­ing to the only thread I could find with the same issue on the emby for­um.
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