Posts Tagged: PC

0CoolerMaster Elite 335 PC CaseBudget desktop PC comparison 2011 to 2012

Each year, around xmas, I pub­lish a recom­men­ded budget PC art­icle. This year I’m doing it slightly early, but decided to dir­ectly com­pare the spec and price this year with last year to see how things have developed.

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0Yahama DSP-E800 LogoGetting high end sound from your PC

For many people, there’s either sound or no sound, the qual­ity does­n’t really come into it. For oth­ers, spe­cific­a­tion and brag­ging rights rule: bit-rates, sampling fre­quen­cies, band­width, power hand­ling. For many a simple set of pc speak­ers will do very nicely, espe­cially if there are 6 or more of them (more is bet­ter, right?)  But what do you do if you want awe­some sound from your com­puterWhat do you do if you are an audi­o­phile on a budgetWhat if you play games and want sur­round sound but play music through the same sys­temThere are many choices and this could get very expens­ive and com­plex, but it does­n’t have to.

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