Δημοσιεύσεις με ετικέτα: z-wave

0Aeotec doorbell 6 in HA — how to trigger the bell

I’ve had a Z‑Wave AeoTec Door­bell 6 for a while and had it linked to Home Assist­ant suc­cess­fully, but have nev­er been able to trig­ger the bell from with­in home assist­ant. Until now…
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0Getting OpenZWave working with Home Assistant

I am slowly migrat­ing my smarthome setup to Home­As­sist­ant which, as with most open-source pro­jects, is pretty unfriendly to start with and takes some learn­ing to use. I have an Aeotec ZStick and an Aeotec Door­bell 6 which work via Z‑Wave and I wanted to cus­tom­ise the tones and reduce the volume a little. You’d think it would be easy right?
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0Samsung SmartThings — A smart home hub

I’ve recently inves­ted in a SmartTh­ings Hub for my home to use for secur­ity and safety as well as for gen­er­al smart home func­tions. Over the com­ing months I will be writ­ing a series of art­icles with some of the tech­nic­al hurdles I cross along the way.
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