One of the best things about the Internet is that one can find almost anything. Infelizmente, there are some things that can’t be found (at the time of writing). Below is my personal list that I’m hoping to eventually find…
Atualizar 1: 5‑Oct-2010
Atualizar 2: 26-Dez-2010
Atualizar 3: 30-Março-2011
Atualizar 4: 30--Maio de 2011
Atualizar 5: 26-Dec-2011
1. Tom Tom Navigator (with IQ routes and ALG) for Android!
I’ve declared a stand-in winner by using Google Navigation in combination with CamerAlert. Second prize goes to CoPilot Live, but I’d much prefer TomTom. Garmin seem to have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by releasing their own Android based NuviFone but no app for all the other Android phones.
2. A Standard, Media Center compatible Remote Control with QWERTY keyboard.
I’ve got even closer to a winner with the Motorola NYXBoard. It would be a convincing winner, except that the build quality is rather disappointing. I previous declared a stand-in winner by buying a boxee remote from Amazon US for £40 shipped, however the boxee doesn’t quite do the job — it doesn’t have enough buttons to be fully functional. For more information have a look at this [intlink id=“46” type=“post”]article about remotes[/intlink]. Third place now goes to RemoteDroid.
3. A way to properly share my Media Center system on my LAN including Live TV.
Atualizar: I’ve coughed up for DVBLink 4, which has proved a really excellent solution. My original thoughts are below in italics…
The “softsled” software media center extender dream which seems like it wont ever arrive. There are various options — one looks to be potential in moving away from Media Center to an alternative like MythTV DVBLink or other alternatives, but whilst I have a busy recording schedule (Ashes cricket and Top Gear) I’ve put any experimentation on hold. Eventually I’d like to move to a client-server system, as I already have a server on 24.7. Other interesting technology which may feed into my thinking includes an AppleTV running XBMC (at least when a next gen AppleTV arrives which is powerful enough for high bitrate 1080p). The Apple TV has various issues, typical of Apple, which have ended any interest I might have had in it.
4. A Photo Sharing site that allows me to tag my facebook contacts.
Atualizar: Whilst there is still no winner, google picasa 3.9 combined with picasa web / google+ photos is close. In theory it should do the job, however there are ongoing issues with face tags that google don’t seem to have any interest in resolving. Flickr also has reasonable tagging options now, but it doesn’t seem to be possible to upload face tag information to flickr from either picasa desktop or WLPG. My previous comments are below in italics…
This would have been won by Expono which offers all the required features. Sadly some of the features are dysfunctional and updates seem very sporadic. Once-upon-a-time a combination of Flickr and PolarRose had potential, but PolarRose has been bought by Apple and is no more. As a result there is no prize for this at all at the moment, altho I do wish to offer a note of congratulations to google for the accuracy and speed of Picasa. I also like Windows Live Photo Gallery for its face recognition plus the way it embeds the tags into the photos which is a bonus.
5. An x64 Tag Extender
As it stands playing back FLAC’s in Media Center x64 requires significant “hacking” of system files. It’s about time we had a flac extender for x64
6. A windows utility that supports Areca raid controllers and can issue smart commands
SmartMonTools is close but doesn’t yet support Areca controllers in Windows. Second Prize goes to changing my entire storage system to Unraid. I’ve got more detailed information about this issue in my [intlink id=“90” type=“post”]article about RAID problems with desktop drives[/intlink]
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”