0Logo WordpressLa fijación de editor visual de WordPress

Recientemente tuve un problema en el que el editor visual de WordPress dejó de funcionar. El editor de código funcionó bien, pero el botón visual simplemente no hizo nada. Sabía que no era una configuración de servidor porque impactaba 2 de 5 sitios de wordpress en el servidor, pero los otros trabajaron bien. Intenté eliminar y copiar nuevas copias de "wp-includes" y "wp-admin" en caso de que algo se corrompiera, pero esto tampoco resolvió el problema.

I also tried cre­at­ing a new user, which loaded with the visu­al edit­or activ­ated. Sin embargo, as soon as I switched to the text edit­or I got stuck and could­n’t switch back.
I tried dis­abling all plu­gins, and chan­ging theme, pero ninguno de estos ayudado, although this might be due to extens­ive use of cach­ing on the live site.
Even­tu­ally I found a sug­ges­tion on WPGuru to add a set­ting to wp-config.php which did the trick.
define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);
This sug­gests that one of the scripts on the 2 affected sites isn’t oper­at­ing cor­rectly so I will try to track this down. The strange this is that it can­’t be a built-in script because I re-copied the wp-admin and wp-includes folders, but it also should­n’t be a theme or plu­gin as I switched to a default theme and dis­abled all plu­gins! Muy extraño!
When I have time I will invest­ig­ate fur­ther to pin­point the prob­lem script and will update this post accord­ingly. My best guess at the moment is that it is hid­ing in the wp-con­tent dir­ect­ory struc­ture somewhere

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