0酷冷至尊精英 335 电脑机箱摩尔定律: Deader比鹦鹉

九月 2013 我写了普通PC价格下降的明显结束的一篇文章. 仅仅过了一年后, 我想我会再来看,如果事情得到了改善.

I’ll com­pare the ori­gin­al prices and specs with anoth­er even more up-to-date set.

2012 规范2012 spec price (2012)2012 spec price (2013)2012 spec price (2015)2015 spec price2015 规范
OCZ 顶点 4 120Gb£89.99£84.9963.36英镑£109.98山姆晟 固态硬盘 850 EVO 250Gb
酷睿i7 3770K的3.5GHz£259.45£260.93£269.00£258.27酷睿i7 4790K 4.0GHz的
2x8Gb 海盗船 1600 CL10£69.77£101.69£122.34£122.34没有变化

所以, the ori­gin­al spec is still more expens­ive than it was over 2 几年前, although partly that is because it is hard to find some of the ori­gin­al com­pon­ents. 更重要的是 - 新系统的成本略高于老系统更, 并且不显著在性能改进了的显着的例外 固态硬盘. 基本盟友 CPU 进展几乎陷于停顿,在过去 2 年 - 与AMD的迹象挑战英特尔的性能王冠也没有动机英特尔推高业绩.


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