Como se mencionó anteriormente, He ordenado recientemente (para un miembro de la familia) un Sony Vaio SB. Anandtech recientemente llevó a cabo una revisión detallada, so I have no intention of reinventing the wheel. This is just a supplementary review addressing a few additional thoughts
- The laptop is very quiet — contrary to the review on Anandtech. Most of the time the fan doesn’t spin up. Heavy data crunching does result in some fan noise, but it is reasonably tolerable. For comparison, mi PCs son todo tranquilo, with bungee suspended hard drives and undervolted case fans. The Sony is quieter than my own Dell Studio 15.
- The keyboard is excellent. It is very easy to type quickly on, and the backlight auto-dimming is nice.
- Los LED de potencia son tanto verde, which makes a pleasant change from the usual garish red or eye watering blue.
- Como Anandtech señaló, the Vaio comes with far too many processes running. Removing a few undesirable apps (Barra de Bing, McAfee, etc.) only helped this a little. After turning off a few services and removing a few unnecessary startup entries the running process count has been reduced to around 65 which is broadly similar to the 2 other Windows 7 Yo de PC comprobé.
- los HDD is the weak point of the system. You can feel the system having to wait sometimes. However, the system is still generally very responsive. Like Anandtech, Recomiendo la sustitución de la HDD por uno más rápido, tal vez un Seagate Momentus XT.
- El Vaio es agradablemente luz, y al mismo tiempo notablemente más pesado que el eeePC 901 que sustituye, no es en gran medida por lo, and it is much lighter than my Dell Studio 15. In my view is represents an ideal balance between size/weight and usability.
- El brillo de la pantalla es buena, y tiene un acabado mate, but otherwise it is fairly typical of a laptop screen — not great. To be fair to Sony though, Estoy comparando a mi ZR24w HP que es un excelente 24 "1920 × 1200 panel IPS.
- El software de gestión de energía de Sony es muy flexible e inteligente - por ejemplo,, it can turn off power to the optical drive.
- The battery life is the best of any proper laptop I’ve ever used, aunque cuando bajo uso pesado aún es solamente alrededor 3 hours. It isn’t quite as good as the eeePC 901 que sustituye, pero su estrecha, y por supuesto que se puede hacer mucho más.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”