0Logo Tinkerbell Fée Liste de souhaitsVenir ...

A peu de choses doivent arriver dans les prochaines semaines qui pourraient être d'intérêt ...

1. Tom Tom for Android

This is some­thing I’ve been await­ing for ages. Some of the fea­tures of TomTom are just bet­ter than an oth­er nav­ig­at­or out there. Also, off­line maps are idea when abroad — no data roam­ing charges. The estim­ated cost of £25 isn’t too steep, although altern­at­ives are much cheaper.

2. Media Browser Hydra

Due on 27th Sept. Looks to improve per­form­ance sig­ni­fi­antly, which will be a par­tic­u­lar bonus to me with my low powered E350 media PC.

3. Adobe Flash 11

A new flash play­er, with bet­ter sup­port for hard­ware accel­er­a­tion and hope­fully avail­able as a full 64bit release

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