Ho già postato più volte sui problemi di codec su 7mc, ma ora ho una soluzione completa, abbastanza semplice e funziona in modo coerente. Con un paio di codec liberi e utilità è possibile avere il pieno supporto di decodifica, DXVA, sottotitoli e la flessibilità fantastica che lavorano in 64 bit (o 32bit) Media Center. Le istruzioni che seguono sono specifiche per l'edizione x64, ma dovrebbe funzionare altrettanto bene per l'edizione a 32 bit.
1. Download and install ffdshow
- Down-load ffdshow 32bit
- Down-load ffdshow 64bit
- installare entrambi
2. Configure ffdshow settings
- Tweak any ffdshow settings you want — remember to do it for both x32 and x64 versions — e.g. I use the “mixer” to output stereo music to my subwoofer as well as the main speakers. I also enable lots of additional codecs in the video configuration
- Aperto DXVA Configurazione decoder video
- Click on hardware acceleration in the menu on the left
- Tick H264 e VC1
- Set “post processing” to “Surface overlay”
- Click on subtitles in the menu on the left
- Barrare la casella in alto
- Ripetere l'operazione per la x64 DXVA Configurazione decoder video
3. Now disable the in-built Microsoft MediaFoundation codecs (appunto: questo doesn’t rompere dal vivo TV) e sostituirli con ffdshow
- download the win7dsfiltertweaker
- Run the filter tweaker
- nella prima pagina, select ffdshow (DXVA) where possible, and plain ffdshow for all others where possible, sia per 32bit e 64bit.
- Fai clic su Applica e OK eventuali avvisi
- on the next page tick all the boxes to disable MF and click apply
- sul 3rd page tick the bottom 2 scatole (disable MF and disable MF 64bit) e fare clic su Applica.
- OK l'uscita
- Aprire regedit e selezionare [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionMedia CenterDecoder]
- Eliminare le voci che sono presenti
4. Ora installare i splitter richieste
- Down-load splitter Haali Media
- Download the MPC-HC standalone codecs in entrambi i x64 e x32
- Installare e attivare Haali MPEG-TS
- estrarre il MPC-HC codec
- On x64 systems copy the x64 splitter files to system32 and the x32 files to the syswow64 folder. on x32 systems just copy the x32 files to system32.
- The splitter files to copy are as follows: AviSplitter.ax, FLVSplitter, MatroskaSplitter, MP4Splitter, MpegSplitter.
- There are other splitter files which you can also copy and register (see below) ma io non li ho bisogno
- Register the splitter files as follows: open an elevated command prompt, for each file you copied run the command “regsvr32 filename”. If you are on x64 windows change directory from system32 to syswow64 and repeat the registering
5. Utilizzare modifiche del Registro di sistema per utilizzare il MPC-HC splitter for most files and Haali for .mkv and .m2t files
- Aprire regedit e selezionare [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMedia TypeExtensions]
- Controllare che le loro sono le chiavi per .m2ts, .ts, .mp4, .mkv, .m2t and create any new keys that are required
- All'interno di ogni controllo della chiave che la loro è una stringa con il nome di "Source Filter"
- Set the value of source filter for .m2ts, .ts e .mp4 per {1365BE7A-C86A-473C-9A41-C0A6E82C9FA3}
- Set the value of source filter for .mkv and .m2t to {55DA30FC-F16B-49FC-BAA5-AE59FC65F82D}
6. Abilita ogg e flac audio
- Download the xiph oggcodecs sia per x32 e x64
- installare entrambi
- Down-load WMPTag-Plus — other tag extenders don’t seem to work so well
- Disable the x64 Media Player by renaming the folder “Windows Media Player” inside the Program Files folder (on x64 windows only!) and then create a new “Windows Media Player” folder. copy the contents of the “Windows Media Player” folder from the “Program Files (x86)” to your new folder. This forces Media Center to use the Media Player 32bit engine for music — which supports the tag extender. Once a 64bit tag extender is available this will no longer be necessary
7. Riavviare e si sta bene ad andare.
Any .m2ts files that don’t play back properly rename the extension to .m2t (which as far as windows is concerned is the same). This will change the splitter used and should resolve any playback problems.
yet another setting that didn’t work for me, sigh.… avi plays fine, but still no subtitles (wmp). MP4 ha alcun suono, nessun video (wmp) — obviously, can’t tell whether subtitles are working or not. mkv starts playing video and audio fine (solo mpc-hc, WMP non giocherà affatto), shows double subtitles, then within seconds video slows down and finally freezes.:/
Questo è ormai quasi 2 Anni! Le cose si sono spostati su dal. Get the latest versions of ffdshow tryouts, lav splitter and the Wn7DSFilterTweaker (all linked on the downloads page). Install ffdshow and lav, and then use the filter tweaker to disable Microsoft’s media-foundation stuff and set ffdshow as the defaults.
You’ll need to turn on subtitles in ffdshow settings but that should work spot on with everything. Ho TS, M2TS, MKV, MP4, AVI, MPEG, WMV, file WTV codificati in Al tipi di formati e tutto funziona solo.
Why do you particularly want to use Windows Media Player? — there are plenty of other media player apps. O vuoi dire Media Center?