0Logo HTML5Arrière-plans paresseux réactifs au lieu de l'image d'arrière-plan CSS

J'ai récemment travaillé sur une mise à jour/refonte de mes différents sites Web et du backend du serveur.. Dans le cadre de ce processus, j'ai essayé de m'assurer que tout utilise les dernières normes pour maximiser les performances et la compatibilité.. L'une des meilleures fonctionnalités des versions récentes de WordPress est la prise en charge native des images réactives - où l'attribut imgset="" est utilisé pour fournir des tailles alternatives d'images dans un groupe afin que le navigateur puisse utiliser la taille la plus appropriée.. En combinaison avec le chargement asynchrone et le chargement paresseux, cela peut accélérer le chargement des pages tout en conservant une belle apparence pour tous les visiteurs.. Cependant, CSS n'a pas adopté ces nouvelles fonctionnalités, les images d'arrière-plan sont donc beaucoup plus délicates à gérer.. Cela peut être fait cependant…

It is pos­sible to use media quer­ies in CSS to provide an appro­pri­ately sized image for most vis­it­ors. How­ever here is no equi­val­ent of async or lazy load­ing for CSS so your (prob­ably large) image will hold up page ren­der­ing which can make a huge dif­fer­ence on a slow con­nec­tion. The pagespeed insights tool for one of my sites was see­ing a render time of around 1 second vs 4 seconds just by adding the back­ground image. 4 seconds it too long, but I did­n’t want to lose the back­ground image, so I wondered if it was pos­sible to have a div ele­ment with a nor­mal lazy loaded image in it and to fit that to the page and put it behind every oth­er element.

I did some search­ing and found a CoreWeb­Vi­tals art­icle by Arjen which talked about the exact same issues I was hav­ing. How­ever the code provided there did­n’t do what I needed, it appears to be for a div that is meant to be part of the flow of a page.
After some play­ing around on code­pen and a help­ful sug­ges­tion by luuk­vhoudt on stack­over­flow that google turned up I was even­tu­ally able to get code that worked to make a nor­mal image in html act just like a back­ground image. Like a css back­ground I was able to set all of the desir­able behaviours…

  • Image fills full width of screen
  • Image keeps aspect ratio
  • Image is ver­tic­ally centred (so top and bot­tom are cropped)
  • Image stays in pos­i­tion when scrolling page down
  • Image does­n’t inter­fere with any oth­er ele­ments on the page
  • Even when view­port becomes ‘por­trait’ the image still fills the whole width and height and keeps the cor­rect aspect ratio
  • Merci à HTML the image loads async and lazy so does­n’t impact performance

The code needed was actu­ally sur­pris­ingly easy. le HTML code goes imme­di­ately inside and at the top of the body tag, and then a little CSS does the rest. Note that you should put the smal­lest image in the src=”” attrib­ute. I’ve also used aria-hidden=“true” to tell screen-read­ers to ignore our image since it’s meant to be a background

<div id="bg-container">
<img src="/path/to/bg768.jpg" aria-hidden="true" alt="background" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset="/path/to/bg768.jpg 768w, /path/to/bg1024.jpg 1024w" >

Next the CSS

display: inline-block;
overflow: hidden;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
pointer-events: none;
z-index: -1;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
#bg-container img
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
object-fit: cover;

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