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3.2 Monetise

You’ve done the hard work so why not make a little bit of money

3.2.1 Accepter des dons

Ajouter un payp­al donate but­ton quelque part. Je conseille la fixation du montant très faible de don, people can always con­trib­ute more. We also recom­mend put­ting this on a page some­where, and not on your home page. New vis­it­ors are highly unlikely to donate, where­as your reg­u­lar read­ers will find the donate but­ton on their return vis­its. We recom­mend put­ting it on your about page, where it’s easy to find but not obtrus­ive. You can use a plu­gin to do this for you, par exemple donner plus de

3.2.2 Utilisez Google Adsense

Simple and easy way to show con­tex­tu­al ads from google adsense. Ne pas aller par dessus bord si, it will repel vis­it­ors. Use your ana­lyt­ics to work out where ad place­ment is most effect­ive. There are plenty of plu­gins for this, but we place ads ourselves by adding the google adsense code to single.php and dir­ectly into a spe­cif­ic places in each page.

3.2.3 Show ads on feeds

If you’ve registered for feed­burn­er (voir section 2.2.2), vous pouvez facile-ment activer les annonces AdSense sur l'alimentation.

3.2.4 Ask visitors to disable their adblocker

Some users will block your ads with the browser plu­gin adb­lock. It is easy to add a bit of code to show them a polite mes­sage in place of the ads, request­ing that they dis­able the block­er on your site to sup­port you. We have adap­ted our own code based on the art­icle on Joe Riggs Dupont.

3.2.5 Utilisez amazon associés

If you reg­u­larly dis­cuss any products you can link to them on Amazon and if your vis­it­ors fol­low the link and pur­chase the item you will get a small com­mis­sion. This is obvi­ously good for you, mais il est également bénéfique pour vos lecteurs, même si elles n'ont aucun intérêt dans l'achat, car ils peuvent rapidement et facilement obtenir une idée de ce que l'article que vous parlez ressemble, frais, and is sup­posed to do.

3.2.6 Catch other potential affiliated links

Inscrivez-vous VigLink and install their plu­gin which will auto­mat­ic­ally affil­i­ate links you haven’t already affil­i­ated. It can also auto­mat­ic­ally add links to unlinked con­tent if you choose to enable the fea­ture. It just might gain you a little extra income for next-to-no work.

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