0قم بإزالة برنامج التشغيل الذي يمنع النوافذ من الإقلاع

لقد حاولت مؤخرًا تثبيت AMD StoreMI على نظام Windows الخاص بي 2022 الخادم. خطأ فادح - فشل على الفور في التمهيد مع الموت الزرقاء. وكان هذا بعد التثبيت مباشرة - لم أقم حتى بتشغيل البرنامج. لذا فإن الدرس الأول هو عدم الوثوق ببرنامج AMD - إنه أمر مروع للغاية!

على أي حال, in order to recov­er the situ­ation I did a bit of dig­ging on google. Turns out it is fairly easy to remove the prob­lem driver and get the sys­tem boot­ing again…

1. Cre­ate a USB boot­able win­dows 10+ media (I used a Win­dows 10 2022H2 USB drive which worked fine with my serv­er 2022 تثبيت). You can get the “Media Cre­ation Tool” free from Microsoft which will cre­ate this for you
2. Change the boot pri­or­it­ies and boot from the USB media
3. Choose “repair your com­puter” (NOT install!)
4. Choose troubleshoot and then “com­mand prompt”
5. Find the drive let­ter for the sys­tem drive your main install is on. It almost cer­tainly WON’T be on the C: حملة. Easi­est thing to do it try D: and then type “dir” and look to see if the con­tents of the drive are correct
6. To make sure the installed driver list will fit in the com­mand win­dow you have to make it lar­ger — use the com­mand mode con:cols=1000 lines=3000
7. Then use the com­mand dism /image:e:\ /get-drivers where e:\ is the drive you found in step 5.
8. All of the driver files will be called oem###.inf where ### is an increas­ing num­ber (by date). So the most recently installed (بمعنى آخر. the prob­lem) سائق(ق) will have the highest number
9. In my case the 3 prob­lem drivers were called oem148.inf oem149.inf and oem150.inf. The ori­gin­al names for these were also shown which for StoreMI are called rccfg.inf, rcbottom.inf, and rcraid.inf
10. Remove each of the prob­lem drivers using the fol­low­ing com­mand (use it 3 times to remove 3 السائقين) dism /image:e:\ /remove-driver /driver:oem###.inf — don’t for­get to replace e:\ with the drive rel­ev­ant to you
11. Reboot the sys­tem. Hope­fully it will just boot straight up.
12. In my case it still did­n’t boot, but I was able to press F8 and select “last known good” which then did boot up suc­cess­fully. I then unin­stalled StoreMI and rebooted again to be sure it was com­pletely gone.

The following links had most of the information above

  • HTTPS://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/system-won-t-boot-after-installing-storemi/td‑p/368824
  • HTTPS://pureinfotech.com/uninstall-driver-recovery-environment-windows-10/

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