0CoolerMaster Elite 335 Caixa PCBudget desktop PC for xmas 2011

Anandtech ter um guia prático para orçamento PCs para o natal 2011 peri­od. Below is my own take on what I’d recommend.

I’m always inter­ested in get­ting the best per­form­ance with low power con­sump­tions. For a truly budget sys­tem I’d opt for an AMD E350 sys­tem, entretanto, such a sys­tem isn’t cap­able of gam­ing ser­i­ously. For a more power­ful sys­tem I’d look to Intel as their sys­tems are more effi­cient, so below I’ve based my second recom­mend­a­tion on the anandtech Intel sys­tem, with a few tweaks, includ­ing a pri­cing in sterling…

1. Ulti­mate budget system

CPUE350£ 0Built-in to the system
MotherboardAsus E35M1‑M Pro£ 99Offers more than some oth­er E350 sys­tems e.g. USB3
RAMKingston 4GB kit DDR3-1333£ 20Budget 4Gb kit
ArmazenamentoCrucial M4 64Gb£ 80With the recent jump in HDD prices, SSDs are look­ing far bet­ter value. I would build with an SSD and for bulk stor­age either reuse an old HDD, or buy one in a few months when prices fall back.
Optic­al drive DVD -RW£ 17Cheap optic­al drive
Fonte de energiaCorsair CX430 V2£ 35As good a recom­mend­a­tion as any.
CasoCool­er­mas­ter Élite 335£ 28A decent enough case, with full ATX apoio
Oper­at­ing systemNenhum£ 0O OS your choose to run is up to you. I could price a stand­ard Win­dows 7 install here, but many people will have old licences, or will be able to buy upgrades or stu­dent licenses which are con­sid­er­ably cheaper.
Total:£ 279

2. Budget gam­ing system

CPUIntel Core i3 2100£ 95About double the price of the Anandtech CPU, but it has a 30% high­er clock speed, and hyperthreading.
MotherboardAsus P8Z68‑V LX£ 82Double the price of the Anandtech board. But for that you get: Cross­fire sup­port, USB3, SATA 6Gbps, and Virtu
RAMCorsair 8GB kit DDR3-1333£ 37Com RAM so cheap, 8Gig is worth having.
ArmazenamentoCrucial M4 64Gb£ 80With the recent jump in HDD prices, SSDs are look­ing far bet­ter value. I would build with an SSD and for bulk stor­age either reuse an old HDD, or buy one in a few months when prices fall back.
VídeoAMD HD6670 1GB GDDR5£ 69A gen­er­a­tion new­er than Anandtech’s recom­men­ded HD5670, up to 50% Mais rápido, lower powered and only £6 more.
Optic­al driveBD-ROM / DVD -RW£ 40 BluRay is a must have in a new PC Na minha humilde opinião
Fonte de energiaCorsair CX430 V2£ 35 As good a recom­mend­a­tion as any.
CasoCool­er­mas­ter Élite 335£ 28 A decent enough case, with full ATX apoio
Oper­at­ing systemNenhum£ 0O OS your choose to run is up to you. I could price a stand­ard Win­dows 7 install here, but many people will have old licences, or will be able to buy upgrades or stu­dent licenses which are con­sid­er­ably cheaper.
Total:£ 466

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