0Samsung Galaxy S3Samsung Galaxy S3 "v" Asus eeePC 901

Ci sono un sacco di recensioni là fuori a confronto gli ultimi cellulari, le ultime tavolette e gli ultimi notebook, ma molto pochi mai numero d'ordine qualcosa di più 18 Vecchio di mesi. La maggior parte delle persone non aggiorna il proprio kit così frequentemente, il che rende i confronti piuttosto inutili. Nell'arco di 4-5 anni, che è un ciclo di aggiornamento più tipico per la maggior parte delle persone, si sono verificati enormi cambiamenti nella potenza di calcolo disponibile.

In June 2008 I was asked for help to choose a device for a fam­ily mem­ber which would meet basic online and app needs whilst being as port­able as pos­sible. The Asus eeePC 700 had been released a year earli­er and the new 901 with the new Intel Atom pro­cessor had just become avail­able. It did everything required — cap­able of run­ning Win­dows XP, with wireless‑n and at around 1Kg it was just power­ful enough, and impress­ively port­able. Bat­tery life was way bey­ond any­thing else com­par­able and could only be matched by spend­ing an order of mag­nitude more.

Jump to June 2012 — a scant 4 years later and my mobile phone con­tract expires. After long delib­er­a­tions I even­tu­ally opted for the Sam­sung Galaxy S3 over the HTC One X. Hav­ing spet con­sid­er­able time look­ing at specs it dawned on me that super­fi­cially it had specs not all that dis­sim­il­ar to the good old eeePC. Always inter­ested in the pro­gress of these things I did a quick comparison

Asus eeePC 901Sam­sung Galaxy S3
Date of releaseJun-08May-12
Screen res­ol­u­tion1024×600720× 1280
CPUDual­Thread 1.6GHzQuad­Core 1.4GHz
senza fili802.11n (draft)802.11n
dimen­sions225 x 165 x 35137 x 71 x 9
HDMI produzioneNo
macchina fotografica1.3mpix8mpix

The specs speak for them­selves. The phone is much thin­ner, light­er and more power­ful. It comes with com­par­able stor­age and RAM and has bet­ter con­nectiv­ity and a bet­ter cam­era. The eeePC is of course still much more suit­able for work­ing on word or excel doc­u­ments, but it isn’t all that great for that itself.

I sus­pect that most eeeP­C’s were, like the one in my case, bought for basic inter­net access. Mod­ern smart­phones have made this func­tion com­pletely redund­ant. People need­ing to do ser­i­ous doc­u­ment work aren’t likely to opt for a net­book either — an ultra­book or sim­il­ar note­book is far more likely to be deemed suit­able because you just can­’t get away from need­ing a good size phys­ic­al screen and real key­board. Whilst the demise of the net­book due to tab­lets was much exag­ger­ated, I believe the mod­ern smart­phone really will put an end to the net­book mar­ket almost completely.

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