Tag Articolo: mela

0HTC Desire Android LogoSamsung Galaxy Nexus Prime v Apple iPhone 4S

Con il recente rilascio del Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime e Apple iPhone 4S, Ho pensato di fare un rapido confronto del 2 dispositivi. Ho anche incluso i dati e le specifiche per la 2 altri smartphone recenti di fascia alta, l'HTC Sensation XE e il Motorola Atrix 2.

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3logo appleIphone 4S: Solo un deludente catch-up

Così, I see that Apple have released the latest iter­a­tion of their “amaz­ing” iphone. Each time a new iproduct gets released I find myself yelling at TV, Annunci radio, and oth­er ignor­ant people who don’t seem to real­ise that their is noth­ing spe­cial about Apple products. This time I’m going to share a few thoughts pub­licly instead. I’ve just watched the offi­cial release video over on the Apple web­site. So, con che come base, here are my thoughts on the “new” fea­tures in the iphone 4S…
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