文章标签: CSS

0HTML5标志Responsive lazy backgrounds instead of css background-image

I’ve recently been work­ing on an update/overhaul of both my vari­ous web­sites and the serv­er backend. As part of this pro­cess I’ve been try­ing ot make sure everything is using the latest stand­ards to max­im­ise per­form­ance and com­pat­ab­il­ity. One of the best fea­tures of recent ver­sions of word­press is the nat­ive sup­port for respons­ive images — where the img­set=”” attribut eis used to sup­ply altern­at­ive sizes of images in a group so the browser can use the most appro­pri­ate. In com­bin­a­tion with async load­ing and lazy load­ing this can make pages load far faster whilst still look­ing good to all vis­it­ors. How­ever css has not adop­ted these new­er fea­tures so back­ground images are much trick­i­er to deal with. It can be done though…


作为最近对各种网站进行的改进的一部分,我想让画廊中的图像在悬停时显示放大版本. 用基本的做这个 CSS 相当简单, 但我不只是想扩展原始图像, 我想让浏览器抓取一个新的 (更大) 图也…

0一些新文章, 很多新的设计作品

在过去的2-3个月我一直忙于编写的网站很多新的内容。这没有得益于在东西写的下降有关 - 我的大部分文章都是关于技术修复或令人兴奋的新 HTPC 相关进展。目前还没有太多的新发展, 我没有修复太多技术,因为我太忙了。这并不意味着该网站已被完全忽略,但是……
