Tag Articolo: microsoft

0Internet Explorer 9 LogoIE10 per Windows 7 arriva finalmente

Anoth­er item that we’re a bit late to cov­er is the arrival of Esplora Inter-net 10 per Win-dows 7 (and Serv­er 2008 R2).  Come con le versioni precedenti, sistemi operativi più vecchi sono stati lasciati senza sostegno per Vista o XP, which are stuck on IE9 and IE8 respect­ively. If you have Win­dows 7 si consiglia di upgrad-ing (anche se non si utilizza IE) and of course there is no harm giv­ing it a try. We’ll prob­ably be stick­ing with Fire­fox and Chrome ourselves, ma IE a volte ha i suoi usi.

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0Gli spazi di stoccaggioSpazi Microsoft Storage: RAID virtuale per Windows 8?

Microsoft’s Steve Sinof­sky has writ­ten a detailed art­icle about a genu­inely excit­ing new fea­ture of Win­dows 8 — Stor­age Spaces. I won’t repeat the details here, for those you can go straight to the horses mouth. How­ever I will point out a key line from a home media serv­er point of view: “There’s anoth­er resi­li­ency attrib­ute, detto par­ity, which dir­ects Stor­age Spaces to store some redund­ancy inform­a­tion along­side user data con­tained with­in the space, thereby enabling auto­mat­ic data recon­struc­tion in the event of phys­ic­al disk fail­ure.” To me, this sounds a LOT like a soft­ware RAID5 sim­il­ar to that provided by UnRAIDUntil Win­dows 8 is released and the tech­no­logy is fully reviewed the details are of course some­what spec­u­lat­ive, but my read­ing of the art­icle leads me to believe that Stor­age Spaces will enable the strip­ing of disks, with a par­ity in the event of single disk fail­ure. Fur­ther, it is reas­on­able to assume that this sys­tem will work with stand­ard non-enter­prise drives without suf­fer­ing any [int­link id=“90” type=“post”]compatibility issues[/intlink].  Finalmente, it is reas­on­able to assume that Stor­age Spaces will offer some of the per­form­ance bene­fits of hard­ware raid‑5 too. If you have a home serv­er with a lot of media and you want some redund­ancy, without huge cost, then this tech­no­logy sounds like it might be the per­fect solu­tion. Thanks Microsoft!

0Serial Tasto con il logoRecupero periodici da Windows

Mi viene dato spesso PC per riparare che richiedono una reinstallazione di Windows. Questi spesso non vengono forniti con un elenco completo dei numeri di serie del software installato su di essi. Per evitare il fastidio di chiedere al proprietario di estrarre i periodici, è più facile estrarre semplicemente i periodici dalla vecchia installazione prima di pulire. ... Leggi l'articolo completo

1Internet Explorer 9 LogoInternet Explorer 9 - Meglio di molti si aspettavano?

Solo un post veloce, sembra che Microsoft ha finalmente fatto un browser web ragionevole, o almeno gli addetti Hardware di Tom sembra pensarla così.  Sono ancora in attesa di Firefox 4, e sperando Mozilla offrirà una versione a 64 bit come promesso, ma un po 'di concorrenza da parte della (ancora) dom­in­ant play­er in the browser mar­ket can­’t be a bad thing.

5Microsoft Security Essentials LogoAntivirus gratuito / anti-malware per Windows Server 2008

Microsoft offre un file Beta scaricabile della versione 2 della loro app di sicurezza gratuita Security Essentials.  Funziona su Windows Server.  Per chiunque (come me) chi utilizza Server 2008 a casa (e.g. su un file server) e necessita di un antivirus, Lo consiglio vivamente.

Aggiornare: [int­link id=“96” type=“post”]Versione 2 finale[/intlink] ora è disponibile.

0Microsoft Security Essentials LogoMicrosoft Security Essentials final

Microsoft have updated their free secur­ity essen­tials pack­age again. Il soft­pe­dia link from my [int­link id=“20” type=“post”]original post[/intlink] now offers ver­sion 1.0.1611.00 to download.


This appears to be the final release and is now avail­able dir­ect from Microsoft

0Microsoft Security Essentials LogoMicrosoft AntiVirus updated

Microsoft have now updated their free anti-vir­us to ver­sion 1.0.1500 which is avail­able from win­dows update if you have the pre­vi­ous ver­sion installed (vedere [int­link id=“10” type=“post”]my pre­vi­ous post[/intlink]). If you want to install 1.0.1500 without installing the old ver­sion first it can be down­loaded from Microsoft. If you’re in a coun­try where its unavail­able then you can down­load it from Soft­Pe­dia

0Microsoft Security Essentials LogoFree Anti-Virus from Microsoft

Microsoft have released (a few weeks ago) a free Beta of their new Anti-Vir­us / Secur­ity product Microsoft Security Essentials. Unfor­tu­nately as a Regno Unito res­id­ent when I vis­it the offi­cial Microsoft page I am told “This beta is avail­able only to cus­tom­ers in the United States, Israel, China and Brazil”. A quick google search quickly turns up a down­load link on Soft­Pe­dia which works. There are down­loads of x86 and x64 ver­sions of Secur­ity Essen­tials for Win­dows XP, Vista and 7