Di recente ho sostituito il mio vecchio sistema audio home cinema (uno Yamaha DSP-E800 e un ricevitore stereo Denon) collegato tramite USB DAC e 6 canale analogico per un Onkyo TX-SR605 che ha HDMI collegamenti audio. Per molti versi si è trattato di un aggiornamento istantaneo, ma un problema mi ha davvero frustrato: il volume...
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Tag Articolo: volume
Replacing an invalid Win XP key with a genuine key
If you’ve ever been asked to fix a PC and have subsequently discovered it has a non-genuine or inappropriate Windows XP key installed, and you wish to update the key with a legitimate key, for example when a second hand laptop has been installed with a corporate key and needs updating with the OEM key from the sticker still attached to it, you may have run into problems switching between OEM, Volume and Retail versions of windows.
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”