Posts Categorised: Computing

0WiFi sem fio 802.11 Logo abgnResolvido: Vídeo sem fio de streaming problema

Eu tenho um problema muito estranho que está causando problemas na reprodução de vídeos em uma rede sem fio-n. A reprodução dos vídeos faz com que a rede saia após um curto período. Às vezes, isso dura apenas 2 a 3 segundos, o que causa apenas uma gagueira no vídeo. Outras vezes, o abandono é mais permanente e leva quase um minuto para se recuperar, a menos que o rádio sem fio está desligado e voltar a, após o que a reconexão ocorre.
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0Nexus RealSilent 120 Orange Fan LogoStability issues

I’ve been hav­ing some sta­bil­ity issues with my HTPC recently. A rein­stall did­n’t help so I con­cluded it was hard­ware. Remov­ing all non essen­tials did­n’t help either so I figured it must be CPU, memory or mobo related. Noth­ing is over­clocked or tweaked and its all fairly recent brand name kit. I stress tested the CPU and memory without caus­ing either to fail, but I con­tin­ued to get occa­sion­al lockups and inter­mit­tent slug­gish performance.
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0Juice Podcaster LogoProblem with Juice — solved

For a while I’ve used the pod­cast man­ager Juice. I’ve been very happy for a while, but the oth­er day it sud­denly stopped run­ning for no obvi­ous reas­on. Unin­stalling and rein­stalling did­n’t resolve the issue, but after some dig­ging I dis­covered the unin­stall­a­tion pro­cess was­n’t delet­ing the set­tings file. On Win­dows XP this is loc­ated in C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data and is a folder called iPod­der (not Juice!). Delet­ing this folder and then rein­stalling Juice restored it to its former glory.

0Microsoft Office Outlook LogoPerspectiva 2007 gerando corrupção em alguns enviou e-mails

I recently encountered a very strange prob­lem in out­look 2007. E‑mails sent to large num­bers of recip­i­ents (approx 30) were suf­fer­ing from some cor­rup­tion where a large part of the head­er was appear­ing in the con­tent of the e‑mail. The appeared as a long string of ran­dom char­ac­ters fol­lowed by some text (eg “Sosha1_v1;7” and “x‑cr-puzzleid”) that sug­ges­ted the garbled text was part of the out­look anti-spam “post­mark” fea­ture. The e‑mail mes­sage appeared as nor­mal below this cor­rupt text. Anoth­er symp­tom of the prob­lem was e‑mail fail­ing to send prop­erly the first time send/receive was clicked.
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0Dentro HDD LogoAcelerar Media Browser

Um artigo sobre Hack7MC chamou minha atenção um par de meses atrás, mas eu só agora cheguei a seguinte em cima dele. A idéia é acelerar o plugin para o navegador de mídia para o Media Center, movendo sua biblioteca para um barato USB Flash drive, que esperamos que oferece um desempenho muito melhor do que as unidades de disco rígido normais. The first thing I did was test a couple of flash-based devices that I have against my desktop HardDrive…
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0Dial-Up LogoWindows 7 dial-up connection autodial

Over the xmas hol­i­days I was asked to look at a few issues with a fam­ily PC. One of the prob­lems was a minor annoy­ance related to the modem-based DSL inter­net con­nec­tion. The dial up box has a tick box which says “con­nect auto­mat­ic­ally”. Although this box was ticked, when the PC was restar­ted when a con­nec­tion was required the same dia­log box would show up, with the option unticked.
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