Posts Tagged: freesat

0Freesat HD LogoBBC 1 HD and ITV 1 HD

A quick update on get­ting BBC 1 HD and ITV 1 HD in Media Cen­ter via freesat. A full transpon­der scan will reveal these chan­nels now on chan­nels in the 1270’s. In some cases 1270 ve 1271, or in my case 1272 and 1273!
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0UK Channel LogosChannel Logos (formerly on

The Theme7mc site seems to have been pulled, and loc­at­ing the resources that used to be on it isn’t straight-for­ward. As a former con­trib­ut­or I was keen to find where the con­tents had gone and am pleased I can point people to the Theme7mc archive post on where they can all be found.

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0ITV-HD LogoITV-HD as a proper channel

ITV-HD is finally avail­able as a prop­er chan­nel. For any­one manu­ally tun­ing a freesat box of Media Cen­ter PC you need to add 10832MHz with 22600 ksym­bols on hori­zont­al. 2 extra chan­nels should appear called 10000 ve 10001. I can­’t remem­ber the chan­nel num­bers (and I have now renumbered them) but there were between 1000 ve 1100 I think.
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0Freesat HD LogoExtra Freesat channels

Update: ITV-HD has changed. See this [int­link id=“92” type=“post”]newer article[/intlink]

It seems that Win­dows Media Cen­ter 7 does­n’t find all the chan­nels that are FTA on the main UK Satel­lite group, the Astra 2D group at 28.2º East. I ima­gine many Freesat boxes wont either. Here are the fre­quen­cies for a few fully Free-To-Air Eng­lish lan­guage chan­nels avail­able on this satel­lite cluster…
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0Freesat HD LogoGet free-to-air HD Satellite TV for under £100

I recently got fed up with my poor TV recep­tion and inab­il­ity to get BBC via Freeview and decided to invest­ig­ate Freesat. Look­ing at the high street the best deals I could find were £70 for a view­er box + £80 for install­a­tion (a total of £150). For record­ing facil­it­ies this rises steeply to over £300 for the box + install­a­tion. This looks to me a bit like an early-adop­ters-tax so I decided to search for altern­at­ives. The out­come of my research was that it is easy and rel­at­ively cheap to obtain and install all the neces­sary equip­ment to set up Freesat on a PC. As it hap­pens I actu­ally already had a media PC so this solu­tion was ideal for me.

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