5VirtualDub LogoVirtualDub x64 with plugins

I’ve used Vir­tu­al­Dub for many years as video tweak­er / reen­coder. I recently needed to edit a video and decided to try the 64bit ver­sion. All is well, except for the lack of plu­gins (and hence greatly reduced ver­sat­il­ity). After dig­ging around for quite a while I man­aged to loc­ate the fol­low­ing selec­tion of plu­gins which did the job nicely.

  • Vir­tu­al­Dub x64 itself can be down­loaded from source­forge.
  • I found an MPEG2 plu­gin for down­load from MegaUp­load thanks to a post by ale5000 on the vir­tu­al­dub for­ums (or use the [int­link id=“741” type=“page”]downloads[/intlink] page if the MegaUp­load link goes down)
  • I found a col­lec­tion of x64 fil­ters (includ­ing AC3 and Lame) buraya
  • And also use­ful is x264vfw which is avail­able as x64 again from source­forge (look under the x264vfw64 folder)

If I loc­ate addi­tion­al plu­gins I will update this post accordingly.

Update 1 (21-March-2011)

  • Updated AC3 codec (thanks to ale5000)
  • Updated list of x64 plu­gins by ale5000 (includes mpeg2, matroska, flash, win­dows media, ac3, dts, flic and directshow

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