0BlogrollBlogroll: Sites we visit

Rather than put­ting a blogroll wid­get on the menus which takes up space on every page, we have instead decided to have a ded­ic­ated page with a list and descrip­tion of the sites we reg­u­larly vis­it. We recom­mend all the fol­low­ing from per­son­al exper­i­ence — there are no sponsored links here.


Run by anoth­er Jon this is the closest to a “sis­ter” site to DIYMH in our opin­ion. Des­pite some tech­nic­al wobbles in early 2012 the site is now fully back up and being reg­u­larly updated with excel­lent HTPC related articles.


Well known tech­no­logy news & review site primar­ily focused on reviews of PC hard­ware. Unlike many of the oth­ers has remained con­sist­ent and clear without sug­ges­tion of any “paid-reviews” or oth­er dodgy influ­ence. Provides more cov­er­age of home media tech­no­lo­gies than most oth­er sites.


Tech­no­logy tabloid. Openly biased and some­times bor­der­line trolling but an enter­tain­ing read with some impress­ive insight at times.

Digital Photography Review

The most com­pre­hens­ive and thor­ough reviews of digit­al cam­er­as on the web. Includes all the latest digit­al cam­era reviews and digit­al ima­ging news, lively dis­cus­sion for­ums, vast samples gal­ler­ies etc…

DIY Audio

The home for audi­o­philes on the web. A com­munity ded­ic­ated to help­ing every­one learn the art of audio. Pro­jects by fan­at­ics, for fan­at­icsCon­tains thou­sands of dis­cus­sions and prob­ably all there is to know about modi­fy­ing HiFi


Tech­nic­al for­um, mainly a DVD backup resource. Cov­ers top­ics like video cap­ture, MPEG encod­ing and transcod­ing, video fil­ter­ing and format conversion.

GSM Arena

Com­pre­hens­ive and up-to-date inform­a­tion and reviews for just about every mobile tele­phone ever made. Espe­cially use­ful for com­par­ing spe­cific­a­tions of new and upcom­ing handsets.

Hack Windows 7 Media Center

An almost-sis­ter-site to DIYMHProvides lots of detailed inform­a­tion about Win­dows Media Cen­ter on Win­dows 7. Describes itself as “Using plu­gins, pro­grams, tools and hacks to cre­ate a bet­ter Win­dows 7 Media Center.”

Silent PC Review

Site ded­ic­ated to quiet com­put­ing. The stand­ard an depth of reviews is second to none. If you’re look­ing for inform­a­tion about PSU’s, fans or HDDs this is the place to go. Describes itself as “Everything about low-noise PC com­pon­ents, silen­cing tech­niques, DIY mods and com­plete quiet com­puter systems.”

Video Help

Con­tains a wealth of guides to con­vert­ing between video formats. Describes itself as “How to make a VCD, inform­a­tion about soft­ware play­ers, down­loads, DivX and a for­um with tips on cre­at­ing DVD and VCD movies.”

XDA Developers

Home to Android & Win­dows Phone apps, mods, roms and devel­op­ment. If you want a new ROM for your phone or you want to hack it in some way this is the place to go.

Tech Stream

Web devel­op­ment inform­a­tion with par­tic­u­larly good inform­a­tion on fea­tures and uses of the new HTML5 and CSS3 standards.


Com­pre­hens­ive guide to all HTML and CSS ver­sions and tags. Includes inform­a­tion on browser compatibility

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