At long last, the W3C has published the final HTML5 specification. DIY Media Home is already written coded in HTML5, but the finalisation of the specification means that HTML5 compliance is no longer a moving target for either us, or the browser makers. Hopefully all the main players will provide fully HTML5 compliant browsers soon. In the meantime we’ll be working to ensure our site is fully compliant with the final spec.
Berichten Door: Jon Scaife
Get Media Center 8 free
If you’ve got Windows 8 Pro, and wish to add Media Center to it you need a key from Microsoft. In future this wont be free, but you can get one free until 31st Jan 2013 thanks to a Microsoft offer. I have registered for mine, even though I don’t run Windows 8 because I may want to use it in future so why not!
Media Center Themer 1.45
Media Center Themer 1.45 has been released. This finally brings support for adding items to built-in menus, making full Media Center menu customisation possible. v1.45 is also compatible with Windows 8. This finally relegates Media Center Studio to history.
How to reduce spam with SPF, DKIM & DMARC
Since I set up contact forms on various websites I’ve had a slowly increasing volume of spam. Not direct spam sent to me, but bounces from non-existent addresses that were being spamme, apparently from my address. Unfortunately the spam wasn’t originating from my address, but my address was somehow picked up (probably from before I secured the contact forms on the site) and was being used as the “reply to” address. After some investigation I heard about SPF which is an e‑mail anti-forgery system.
Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Mods, Tips, Tweaks & more
I recently wrote about ways to [intlink id=“2872” type=“post”]enhance and tweak[/intlink] the Samsung Galaxy S3. Since then my partner has acquired a Galaxy Note 2, which is rather like an oversize S3. Now that I’ve had chance to play with it a bit I’ve updated my original article to cover the tweaks that work for both phones. Any differences are noted there. I’ve also written a new article with a guide to [intlink id=“3175” type=“post”]how to root the Note 2[/intlink]. Enjoy.
How to: Root the Samsung Galaxy Note 2
As I’ve noted before pretty much the first thing I do when I get a new phone is root it. This time around its the turn of my partners Galaxy Note 2. Below I will summarise the steps which are very similar to those I used for my own Samsung Galaxy S3.
Conditional formatting for grades v targets
So, in my other life I’m actually a science teacher, and as it usually gets round that I’m “good with computers” I usually get asked to have a look at a few things. Twice in the last few months I’ve been asked if I’d set up conditional formatting in excel to colour code student test results compared to their target grades. Whilst not exactly related to the core content of this site, it is still DIY technical help so I decided to publish a full set of instructions here. Enjoy…
… Read Full Article
Budget desktop PC comparison 2011 to 2012
Each year, around xmas, I publish a recommended budget PC article. This year I’m doing it slightly early, but decided to directly compare the spec and price this year with last year to see how things have developed.
Problem with BlackGold 36xx TV Cards
I’ve been having on-off issues for a while with my TV-Server. I run DVBLink on top of Windows Server which allows me to share my TV signals to all my PCs, Android phones, PS3, Xbox and other DLNA devices. However, I’ve had an issue where seemingly at random I’ve lost the ability to tune some channels. Initially I put this down to DVBLink, but after extensive testing it appears the problem is with the TV cards. Once the cards have lost tune this seems to last for a while in DVBLink, maybe it wouldn’t have the same effect in a straight Windows Media Center setup.
News: TomTom for Android and Seasonic G360
A quick update on various developments we’ve been tracking including TomTom for Android and a new PSU from Seasonic.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”