0Android Market Google PlayFavourite Android Apps 4: Summer 2012

Every now and then I update my list of favour­ite android apps. These are the apps that I keep going back to time and again. Pre­vi­ous ver­sions for [int­link id=“1576” type=“post”]Autumn 2011[/intlink], [int­link id=“711” type=“post”]Spring 2011[/intlink] and[int­link id=“57” type=“post”]Summer 2010[/intlink] are also avail­able. Many haven’t changed over the last 2 jaar!  Below is the update for sum­mer 2012…

eBay Lets you track your bids and noti­fies you of updates
Amazon Works great with 1 click ordering!
PowerAMP Nice wid­get and sup­ports gap­less FLAC
ROM Manager Per­fect for man­aging altern­at­ive ROMs on your phone *requires root*
DVBLink Con­nects to DVBLink serv­er to man­age your home TV
Daily Cheezbur­ger LOL cats and more
Fire­fox Bet­ter mobile browser
Google Shop­per Helps you find products online or in loc­al shops
Prey Secur­ity app — lets you remotely track and lock your device
And­FTP FTP client
Volume Lock­er Pre­vents acci­dent­al volume changes
AdFree Blocks adverts on your phone *requires root*
Tor­rent-fu Allows you to man­age your tor­rent cli­ent and search for torrents
Android Agenda Wid­get by Every­body all the time

Android Agenda on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Excel­lent and highly cus­tom­is­able cal­en­dar widget
Cam­erAlert by PocketGPSWorld.com Ltd

Cam­erAlert on the Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Plu­gin for Sat Nav apps which provies alerts for speed cam­er­as, using the Pock­et­G­PSWorld database.
AutoDe­leteSMS by Jetpad.org

AutoDe­leteSMS on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Remove SMS mes­sages after a cer­tain­time, or after a cer­tain num­ber of texts from each contact.
SMS Popup by Adam K

SMS Popup on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Pops up text mes­sages and allows instant reply.
ES File Man­ager by EStrongs Inc.

ES File Man­ager on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Man­age files on your android phone.
TV Gids UK by tv24.co.uk

TV-Gids UK on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Full guide to UK TV.
Google Goggles by Google Inc.

Google Goggles on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Search the inter­net using pho­to’s you’ve taken with the phone camera.
Google Sky Map by Google Inc.

Google Sky Map on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Shows you what’s in the sky, stars, plan­ets, con­stel­la­tions. Uses the GPS and inbuilt compass.
GMail by Google Inc.

GMail on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Man­age your GMail from your phone
Face­book for Android by Facebook

Face­book for Android on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Access your Face­book account from your phone.
Google Maps by Google Inc.

Google Maps on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Google Maps on your phone.
handy­C­alc Cal­cu­lat­or by mmim

handy­C­alc Cal­cu­lat­or on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Ver­sat­ile cal­cu­lat­or and unit converter.
Shazam by Shazam Enter­tain­ment Limited

Shazam on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Auto­mat­ic music recognition.
Tun­eIn Radio by Tun­eIn Inc

Tun­eIn Radio on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Access lots of radio sta­tions, include BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra.
Digit­ally Impor­ted Radio by Audi­oAd­dict Inc

Digit­ally Impor­ted Radio on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Digit­al stream­ing of elec­tron­ic music.
Adobe Flash Play­er by Adobe Systems

Adobe Flash Play­er on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Enable Flash anim­a­tions on your phone browser.
Google+ by Google Inc.

Google+ on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Access your Google+ account from your phone.
Cricbuzz Crick­et Scores by Cricbuzz.com

Cricbuzz Crick­et Scores on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Live crick­et scores widget.
gvSig Mini Maps by Prodevelop

gvSig Mini Maps on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Altern­at­ive to Google Maps which includes O/S map data and more. Use­ful for find­ing routes along footpaths.
Wifi Ana­lyz­er by farproc

Wifi Ana­lyz­er on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Acts like the fam­ous Net Stum­bler. Provides inform­a­tion on all nearby wire­less broadcasts.
Google Trans­late by Google Inc.

Google Trans­late on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Trans­late instantly between mul­tiple lan­guages. Take pics with the cam­era and trans­late them.
Street View on Google Maps by Google Inc.

Street View on Google Maps on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Add street view to Google Maps on Android.
Voice Search by Google Inc.

Voice Search on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Voice search app by Google.

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