0Karoo ADSL settings

Hav­ing com­pleted the migra­tion of the site to the new serv­er, and with the fest­ive sea­son upon us, I’m back being the fam­ily tech­nic­al sup­port. First chal­lenge of this year was to restore ser­vice to my grand­fath­ers broad­band which has­n’t been work­ing since he mis­takenly pressed the reset but­ton on his wire­less router.

My grand­fath­er lives in the part of East York­shire covered by King­ston Com­mu­nic­a­tions, and as a res­ult only has access to their Karoo inter­net ser­vice. Karoo haven’t been par­tic­u­larly great at provid­ing com­pre­hens­ive set­tings for any router. Below is a full set of set­tings which worked at the time of writ­ing (Decem­ber 2014) for an ADSL2+ con­nec­tion at around 16MBps.

User­name = {username}@karoo
Pass­word = {your karoo e‑mail password}
Encap­su­la­tion = PPPoA
Mul­ti­plex = LLC
VPI = 1
VCI = 50
MTU = 1500
Authen­tic­a­tion = CHAP
Type = Annex A/L
Mod­u­la­tion = ADSL2+ (G.992.5)
Idle Time Out = 0
NAT = Enable
IGMP = Enable
Default Route = Enable
Vir­tu­al Cir­cuit = Enable
Ser­vice Cat­egory = UBR
PCR = 0

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